Ladies & Gentlemen!
It is with great pleasure that I announce to you the Pauper Masters Online !!
Pauper Masters was a project made by players for players and started in November 2017, as an independent and non-profit organization of events in Rio de Janeiro that aimed to promote the format and bring players together to create a unified scenario for the format in Rio.
In these two years, we have had several events in stores in Rio de Janeiro, and between mistakes and successes we have accumulated experience in holding events, with our first anniversary edition reaching more than 70 subscribers in a single day !
In 2019, in addition to our bimonthly events, we hosted events for LatAm and qualifiers for the brazilian Pauper Nationals.
At the end of 2019, we made the decision to transform the Pauper Masters into an annual event, with a bigger and expanded prize for the players.
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we decided to postpone our event and we continued through this year without carrying out any activities.
However, our goal remains the same: Promote Pauper and make it a format that excites people to play with memorable and exciting events for the community, and we chose to take the next step and take Pauper Masters to the world in the best way that we can provide a meaningful experience for all players: Pauper Masters Online.

Pauper Masters Online # 1 will be held onJune 27, 2021, and will be a free event for the 24 qualified players.
Yes, it means that there will be qualifiers for the event, which will take place monthly on MTGO, where half of the registration fee of each player of the event will be reverted to the main event prize, and the other half will be used for the prize of this monthly event.
Pauper Masters Qualifiers

Pauper Masters Qualifier is the gateway to participate in Pauper Masters Online.
The event will take place monthly, starting on January 30 2021, always on the last Saturday of the month.
The event registration fee will be 2 TIX, of which 1 tix will be added to the prize of the final event, while the other 1 tix will be used for the Qualifier prize, which will be proportionally distributed among the Top 8 players.
The events will be held in Swiss rounds with no rounds of Top 8.
In addition to the Tix prizes, the TOP 4 of each Qualifier will be qualified at no additional cost to Pauper Masters Online, totaling 24 players at the end of the six qualifiers.
Qualified players can also continue to participate in Qualifiers if they wish to do so.
However, if they make Top 4, they will receive only the proportional prize of the event and the Pauper Masters Online entry his place would gain will be passed on to the next place on the list that does not yet have the entry. For example, if you are already qualified but took first place in the event, you will receive the proportional in tix for the first place of the day and your the first place's entry to Pauper Masters Online will be passed on to the fifth place.
The entire event will be held through Cards Realm (, so I recommend that you register on the site so that you can register your decklists and be part of our partnering system.
Players must register for the tournament, and ask one of the organizers through Discord or MTGO to make the entry fee payment.
The player will have "ok" regarding the registration when making the payment.
The player must also present the decklist at least five minutes before the start time of the event or will be dropped from it, needing to request the reimbursement of his registration later to the organization if he has already made the payment
Our list of registered players for the final event will be constantly updated for each Qualifier and will be posted on our social media and our Discord, in addition to our total funds for the final event prize, as a way of maintaining transparency.
And Qualifier dates are already defined !
Remember that all events take place on Saturdays, starting at 13:00 (GMT -3.0)!
Pauper Masters Qualifier # 1 - January 30, 2021
Pauper Masters Qualifier # 2 - February 27, 2021
Pauper Masters Qualifier # 3 - March 27, 2021
Pauper Masters Qualifier # 4 - April 24, 2021
Pauper Masters Qualifier # 5 - May 29, 2021
Last Chance Qualifier - June 26, 2021
We have an extensive RULEBOOK explaining all the rules and conduct that will be used in our events, we highly recommend reading it so that there is no doubt among players and organizers, and feel free to call us on Discord if you have a question !
Pauper Masters Online

Pauper Masters Online # 1 will take place on Sunday, June 27, 2021, starting at 13:00 (GMT -3.0), with a guaranteed prize pool of at least 100 tix resulting from our partnerships with other events and store sponsorship.
Only the 24 qualified players will be able to participate in the event, and their seat is non-transferable.
The event will be Swiss, with a total of 4 rounds with the Top 8 matches taking place on the same day.
The qualified players must register on the Cards Realm website, and the "ok" regarding registration will be given when it is confirmed that the player has beenqualified for the event.
The Player must also register the decklist at least five minutes before the start of the event, otherwise the player will be requested by the team and if there is no positive response from him or her, the player will be dropped from the event and there will be no substitutions, with the event starting with less than 24 players.
There will be no reimbursement on this occasion because the player was already guaranteed a place in the event.
Partnership Program
Event organizers will be able to make their events part of the Pauper Masters Online program and enroll the best placed in their events for a Qualifier, if they wish.
The Organizer who wishes to be part of our enrollment program must contact us through Discord or through our e-mail ( and express their interest in being part of our program.
Our partner program works on a monthly basis, with all the events of the current month of that organization serving as a means of registering for that month's Qualifier.
For example, if you hold a weekly event, events that occur in that month BEFORE the Qualifier date will count as part of the registration program.
After the event, the organizer must contact the Administration to give the name of the qualified player, decklist and transfer through the MTGO the payment of the player's registration.
In return, we will be publishing on our social networks and Discord the participating events, dates and essential information, such as where they take place and where to register, in addition to posting on our networks the nickname and decklist of each player who received the vacancy through partner events .
And we already have some tournaments that are in partnership with us!

The Top 2 of each Pauper Royale between December and January will be registered in the Pauper Masters Qualifier # 1, which takes place on January 30, 2021.
Pauper Royale is a free event, and takes place every Thursday at 19:00 (GMT -3.0).
The dates for Pauper Royale events that will register for Pauper Masters Qualifier # 1 are:
December 3, 2020
December 10, 2020
December 17, 2020
January 7, 2021
January 14, 2021
January 21, 2021
January 28, 2021

The Top 2 of each Tropical Pauper between December and January will be registered in the Pauper Masters Qualifier # 1, which takes place on January 30, 2021.
Tropical Pauper is a free event and takes place every Saturday at 10:00 AM (GMT -3.0).
The dates for Tropical Pauper events that will register for the Pauper Masters Qualifier # 1 are:
December 5, 2020
December 12, 2020
December 19, 2020
January 9, 2021
January 16, 2021
January 23, 2021
Stores can collaborate with the Pauper Masters project through sponsorship.
All sponsorship by the store must be done monthly and always using TIX.
The value of any and all sponsorships will always be used to transfer Qualifier fees to collaborating events, ensuring more free registrations for the Qualifier throughout the month.
Every sponsoring store will have its logo on the decklist posts of our events, and will also have its brand publicized in the tournament stream.
And we already have our first sponsor: the store RED JOGOS!

If you are interested in collaborating with Pauper Masters, please contact us by email at !
Our central communication regarding events will be done through our Discord.
It's on Discord that the events are going to run, as well as direct communication with the players, in addition to the dissemination of new information regarding Pauper Masters Online and Qualifiers.
We'll also post our RULEBOOK there, which I highly recommend reading so that it is understood the rules of our events.
Our RULEBOOK will also be available at this link.
Our Facebook e Instagram
will be used primarily to publicize our events and events that are part of our program alongside decklists for those events, in addition to posting articles and analysis on Metagame.
Finally, we have a Whatsapp group that can be used for a community gathering to talk about the format and Magic as a whole.
That was the presentation of our new project for Pauper Masters and reflects our desire to make an event from players to players, trying to bring to the community what they want for the format in terms of events and tournaments, while we have the support of that same community so that the event can succeed and new editions are held.
First of all, we would like to thank the support from Cards Realm, which made all contact possible and provided the platform that made it possible to carry out this partnership between events, stores and the website that gave form to Pauper Masters Online.
Our primary objective will always be to promote Pauper, and the time has come to unify not only the local community around the passion for the format, but now to bring the whole country closer to each other, to create a meaningful community and make the format inscresingly relevant for Brazil and now for the World as well.
I remind everyone, however, that we are not perfect and that, just as we had our doses of mistakes and successes in our face-to-face events, we are dealing with a new platform and we can make some human mistakes during this process and we will always be willing to learn from our mistakes whenever they occur.
Therefore, I also hope to be able to count on the community's patience and understanding that we are a group of players trying to do something in a format that we have loved dearly for years, and we will learn something new with every event.
Thank you and I hope that, above all, you can have fun with our events.
Because in the end, Magic is all about fun.
Humberto Romeu (ImpatienTraveller)
Heitor Pietre (hanzes)
Leonardo Luiz (Bukareste)
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