Yu-Gi-Oh TCG


Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Top 10 Best Cyberse Monsters

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In this article, we'll explore the top 10 best Cyberse monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

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translated by Joey

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revised by Joey

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Table of contents

  1. > Introduction
  2. > Top 10 Cyberse Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
    1. 10 - Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
    2. 9 - Lady Debug
    3. 8 - Parallel eXceed
    4. 7 - Salamangreat Almiraj
    5. 6 - Splash Mage
    6. 5 - Maliss P Dormouse
    7. 4 - Accesscode Talker
    8. 3 - Mereologic Aggregator
    9. 2 - I:P Masquerena
    10. 1 - Maliss Q White Binder
  3. > Final Words


Cyberse monsters were introduced to Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. Their design features digital tech and cyberspace elements.

Their main strategy is spamming lots of monsters on the board so you can link summon many cards.

Top 10 Cyberse Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

10 - Knightmare Corruptor Iblee

Knightmare Corruptor Iblee is a bit unpredictable, considering it has been in and out of the meta multiple times. However, it is useful because it prevents your opponent from playing special summons (many players even use this card to beat decks that lean on nonlink monsters), and, furthermore, it also disables a few boardbreakers.


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9 - Lady Debug

Lady Debug is a ROTA for Cyberse monsters that are level 3 or lower. So, it is a good starter for decks that focus on this type of monster and that don't struggle to put it in play after you use its normal summon effect. Furthermore, as it is generic support for Cyberse monsters, "Debug" can come back to the meta in the future. It only needs an archetype that has synergy with it.

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8 - Parallel eXceed

Parallel eXceed is a generic extender for decks that use link monsters that point down, particularly link-1 monsters. Most players use it to access class 4 xyz monsters, like Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir and Abyss Dweller, but you can also use it as material for link summons.

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7 - Salamangreat Almiraj

Salamangreat Almiraj is a very generic card, and, despite not being that popular right now, it is still one of the most popular cards in the history of the game. The best thing about it is that it is an easy way to put a normal summon with 1000 ATK or less in the graveyard, but its Quick Effect is quite decent too. After all, it protects one of your monsters from being destroyed by a card effect. As such, "Almiraj" usually makes decks a lot more consistent.

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6 - Splash Mage

Splash Mage is an excellent extender for Cyberse decks. Its effect lets you spam link monsters, so, with it, you can make your final board even more powerful, set up an OTK, or even change directions after your opponent disrupts you with interaction.

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5 - Maliss P Dormouse

Maliss P Dormouse is the main Maliss starter - and this is one of the best decks in the current format. It enables a very solid combo that can beat any deck nowadays.

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4 - Accesscode Talker

Accesscode Talker is still the best generic game finisher in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Thanks to its effects, which buff its ATK and destroy cards without letting your opponent answer, "Accesscode" will hardly be overshadowed by any other finisher. That's what makes it a true OTK "machine".

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3 - Mereologic Aggregator

Mereologic Aggregator is very popular in the current format. Its effect, which negates the effect of a target card on your opponent's board if you send it to the graveyard, is incredibly useful. It works as a boardbreaker, and most players use it as a target for Ext Ryzeal and Ultimate Slayer.

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2 - I:P Masquerena

I:P Masquerena is not that popular in the main decks in the format, Ryzeal and Maliss, but I still believe it deserves a spot in this list. Link-summoning something in your opponent's turn is a very powerful interaction, particularly because the most common target for its effect is S:P Little Knight - considered by most players the best link monster in the game nowadays.

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1 - Maliss Q White Binder

Maliss Q White Binder is considered the best Maliss card, and there are good reasons for that. When you summon it, "White Binder" can banish up to 3 cards from any graveyard, an effect that you can use to both banish Maliss cards and remove resources from the opponent's graveyard. Furthermore, it recycles the trap cards in your graveyard, which makes this deck a lot better in grind games.

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Final Words

Do you agree with our picks? Do you use any of these cards in your decks? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

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