Magic: the Gathering


Penny Dreadful Meta Analysis + PD500 coming soon!

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As we approach the end of the season, let's see how the format is doing, which decks are most present in the meta and get ready for the PD500 !

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переведено Romeu

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рассмотрено Tabata Marques

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  1. > Color Pie
  2. > Number of players and winrates
  3. > PD500 coming soon!
  4. > Decklists

Welcome back to another Penny Dreadful Meta Analysis.

With a very high power level and a plenty of diversity of colors and archetypes, the format is very fascinating and dynamic.

At this point, we can already observe that it is not because Arcum's Astrolabe and the basic snow-covered lands coexist in a format that they will be broken; on the contrary, it is because of them that we can now use more consistent tricolored decks. On the other hand, it's also true that this season has brought more speed to the game.


Let's see the numbers we have so far?

Season: 20

Current week: 10

Weeks until rotation: 3

Quantity of events: 63

Quantity of players: 225

Types of decks used: 135

Color Pie

As we get closer to the end of the season, the color pie in the decks is approaching equity close to 50%, only green is usually little used, but in the decklists I will bring two mono-green decks that managed to reach the top1 in recent weeks even with this color being so undervalued:

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When looking at the history of the past weeks, we have blue returning to the most present color position with a gradual increase since week 5, where it had been falling since the beginning of the season.

The black color, which started shy in the first week and had a big drop in use in week 7, is now the second most present color, very close to white and red.

Red was already the most present color in week 4, but its reign did not last long, as well as white, which also had its peak reaching 60% of decks; but since week 5 it has been losing ground, perhaps a lot in line with the participation of mono red decks, without the need to gain some extra life, decks without the white color may have decided to choose other variations.

And the color green, as I mentioned, reached 30% of presence in the decks in a few weeks, but it didn't go beyond that, having timid appearances, but sometimes winning tournaments.

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Number of players and winrates

Now talking about the number of decks, Affinity appears in first with 100 appearances, in addition to the season's most expensive deck (much due to the increase in the archetype in Modern after the release of MH2), at great risk that some of its biggest stars will stay out of the format in the next rotation. The deck is costing an average of 8 to 10 tix, which is quite steep for Penny.

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Followed by AggroSlide (Cycling), a deck that has managed to reach some Top 8s, but after a strong participation in weeks 4 to 6 (average of 15 decks in these weeks), has been having reduced appearances, but it's still present.

Image content of the Website

Speaking of Top 8s, we can't avoid to talk about it, the 3rd amount and the 2nd in appearances in the Top 8 with a winning percentage of 60% and costing only 1.20 tix on average. Yes, I'm talking about Mono White Heroic, which can be the right choice for those who don't want to spend a lot with a strong deck prepared for the metagame.

Image content of the Website

The 4th in appearances in the Top 8 is also among the best placed in winrate, Eggs, the most outstanding combo deck of this season, which can be both resilient and fast. Of the 35 times it was played, it reached the top 8 21 times.

Image content of the Website

PD500 coming soon!


And it's time to start preparing your deck for the Penny 500.

If you haven't chosen your deck yet, we still have 3 weeks to test!

Scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 24th, there will be 500 tix in the prize pool, which usually has 8 Swiss rounds (to be defined by the number of participants) with a cut to the Top 8.

Remember that every regular tournament winner of this Season until the day of the event starts with Bye 1 in the first round, which is all the more reason to try to take a tournament to guarantee this advantage (in addition to testing your deck)!

Prize pool:

1st____________ 130 tix

2nd____________90 tix

3rd–4th_______60 tix

5th–8th_______30 tix

9th–16th_____ 10 tix

For more info, you can see the linklink outside website for the format's official website


Let's start the decklists with both Mono-Green decks that made Top 1:

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And how about this Mono Blue Tempo?

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How about breaking some eggs to make an omelette?

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And for the fans of tribal decks, this Allies decks can be even faster than Goblins and with plenty of synergies.

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Last, but not least, we have this Necrotic Ooze combo that needs three pieces in the graveyard to make its combo, but compensates with the great synergy of Phyrexian Dreadnought + Tend the Pests.

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Did you know that all the decklists I put on my articles can be found on this website? Just click on this linklink outside website and you'll be redirected to all decklists I have mentioned from the current season. It's important because I tend not to repeat decklists in my articles to show the format's diversity.

That's all for today.

Thanks for reading!