Magic: the Gathering


Doctor Who Universes Beyond: Schedule and Spoilers

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The new Universes Beyond product for MTG, inspired by Doctor Who, was just revealed at MagicCon Minneapolis! Check out here everything we know so far about this product, including revealed cards, mechanics, commander decks and schedule!

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > The Lux Foundation Library - Planechase Card
  2. > Commander Decks
    1. Blast from the Past
    2. Timey-Wimey
    3. Paradox Power
    4. Masters of Evil
  3. > Land Cycle
  4. > Card Gallery
  5. > Schedule
  6. > Where to find spoilers

It has been a busy week for any Magic: The Gathering fan! Not only we've had the March of the Machine: Aftermathlink outside website set officially revealed, but MagicCon Minneapolis took place on the weekend, where even more products were revealed.

Some of these products had already been announced and teased, such as Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earthlink outside website, Commander Masterslink outside website and Wilds of Eldraine, and some were newly announced, such as the next Secret Lair Commander deck, but the one product which was almost completely explored in this past MagicCon was the long-awaited for Doctor Who Universes Beyond cards!


This set is inspired by the iconic BBC TV show, Doctor Who, which will be celebrating 60 years since it was first debuted in 1963 this year. Wizards of the Coast announced this product as part of the show's celebrations back in August 2022, so, it was only a matter of time until more details arrived regarding the set's included cards.

According to the panel held at MagicCon Minneapolis, there will be four new Commander decks in this Universes Beyond set, each with 50 new cards. Out of those 50 cards, 19 will be showcasing some beloved stories taken directly from the original TV show in the form of Sagas, and the newly revived Planechase cards will mark their presence in them as well with 10 new cards.

Different variants of the cards in the Commander Decks will be available in Collector Boosters.

There will also be a new mechanic for Commander: the Doctor's Companion mechanic. This mechanic will make it possible for Doctors to be paired with their Companions in the Command Zone, as an extra feature to better capture the feel of the Doctor Who TV show.

Let's take a look at everything revealed!

The Lux Foundation Library - Planechase Card

Image content of the Website

Commander Decks

Blast from the Past

Image content of the Website

> Blue/White/Green deck

> First Eight Doctors and their Companions


Image content of the Website

> White/Red/Blue deck

> Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors and their Companions

Paradox Power

Image content of the Website

> Red/Blue/Green deck

> Twelth and Thirteenth Doctors, and their Companions

Masters of Evil

Image content of the Website

> Red/Black/Blue deck

> Doctor Who Villains, such as Dravos and the Daleks, and even Missy.

Land Cycle

This is only the first cycle revealed; There is a second one teased to come as well.

Image content of the Website

Card Gallery

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website

These were revealed in 2022:

Image content of the Website

Image content of the Website


Image content of the Website


> Previews: July 28th (MagicCon Barcelona)

> Debut: October 3rd

> Full Release: October 13th

Where to find spoilers

You can find all spoilers from Doctor Who here in its set pagelink outside website!