Magic: the Gathering

Deck Guide

Pauper: Gruul Stompy - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

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Even after all this time, some players are still determined to get more out of Cascade in the most various builds. In today's article, we'll explore the most recent version of Gruul Ramp - which is trying to bring back a classic archetype: Stompy!

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traducido por Joey

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revisado por Joey

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  1. > About Gruul Stompy
    1. Mulligan
    2. Game Style
  2. > Sideboard Guide
    1. Vs. Kuldotha Red
    2. Vs. Grixis Affinity
    3. Vs Mono-Blue Faeries
    4. Vs. Golgari Glee
    5. Vs. Bogles
  3. > Final Words

About Gruul Stompy

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Gruul Ramp and its variations have seen a lot of play in Pauper since Writhing Chrysalis and Malevolent Rumble came along, as they made this archetype incredibly consistent.

One version that has been conquering space recently is Gruul Stompy, which leans on how consistent the ramp game plan is and a few combat strategies. You'll speed up the game by bringing back one of the main elements of the now-defunct Mono-Green Stompy: Trample.


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Nyxborn Hydra, Jewel Thief, and Bannerhide Krushok are the main Trample creatures in this list. They do the same thing Rancor did in classic Stompy: they deal damage more easily as well as faster.

Annoyed Altisaur opened space for Boarding Party, which is now the only Cascade card in this entire list. Altisaur is strong, but it is often too slow for this version because you'll need creatures on the board as soon as possible.

Bannerhide is an excellent creature. You can cast it for free with Cascade, and its ability is an amazing combat trick. It can also go through enemy blockers because of its Trample.


You'll need a hand that sets your plans in motion, so avoid hands that need to draw a land on turn 1, or hands that might flood down the line.

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The hand above is incredible. Obviously, the Elf might end up dead before it is your turn again, particularly if you don't know the deck you're facing, but, if you want to take your chances (and it ends up surviving), you'll be set.

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This hand is much worse than the other one. It is a lot slower and relies heavily on your top deck to progress your game plan. The best call would be to mulligan it.

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The hand above, despite not looking it, is as slow as the one we just saw. You'll need to wait until turn three to play your first creature, rely on your top decks to progress your game plan, and you'll end up giving your opponent too much space to develop their own game plan. You should definitely mulligan it.

Game Style

Like any great aggro deck, this deck is excellent at destroying your opponent's life points, but you'll also have to worry about mana. So, try to develop and accelerate your mana base.

Be careful with Initiative - this is a valuable resource, and you must not lose it to your opponent. Furthermore, get as much as you can from your Cascades.

Consider each combat well, as all your creatures are valuable.

Sideboard Guide

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Vs. Kuldotha Red

This matchup's early game is crucial. Kuldotha is often more explosive than Gruul, but Gruul can also stabilize the board rather quickly with creatures, and make the game impossible for Red to win.

Weather the Storm and Breath Weapon are great post-side and Avenging Hunter will lose a lot of space: Initiative is quite risky in this matchup, as your opponent can use it against you.

Keep hands that make your game plan flow really well. Writhing Chrysalis and Eldrazi Repurposer are the best ways to defend yourself and destroy a few units in combat early on, particularly because they also work really well together.


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Vs. Grixis Affinity

Krark-Clan Shaman is simply the worst card you'll ever face, and it will always show up next to Toxin Analysis. As a result, Affinity is undoubtedly a bad matchup, probably one of the worst ones. Yet, it's not impossible. With your sideboard and a bit of luck, you can definitely win this game with Gruul.

All the artifact hate in your sideboard will be an excellent way to dodge board wipes and try to deal damage at the same time. Try to limit how much red mana your opponent has/uses, and, particularly, try to hit their indestructible lands.

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Vs Mono-Blue Faeries

Faeries will have to rely on a specific sequence to hold off Gruul's creatures, so I consider this a good matchup. However, be careful with their counters and try to resolve Chrysalis as fast as possible - it is your main weapon against all Faeries!

Overall, you shouldn't have many issues in this matchup, particularly if you start playing first, considering your opponent won't be able to interact well in the first few turns, and they'll need Counterspell to win. Bannerhide and Hydra are also excellent in this matchup because they both deal damage very easily and block really well.

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Vs. Golgari Glee

This matchup will be a race, so, whoever gets to inevitability first wins. Furthermore, Glee is a combo deck, which means they'll do anything to stay alive until they find their pieces. You must be as aggressive as you can in this matchup - don't be afraid to attack.

Some versions use Chrysalis, which can be problematic, but, with the right sequence and good draws, you'll easily be able to mow your opponent down before they can play their combo.

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Vs. Bogles

Bogles has grown in the meta, but this matchup is very similar to the Glee matchup: you'll need to race against time to defeat your opponent before they can set up their threat and beat you. The difference is that Bogles doesn't play the same tools as Glee, and will simply just race you to the finish line.

Rancor and lifegain auras are Deglamer's main targets post-side, so try to save your interactions for the right time.

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Final Words

Gruul Ramp is one of the best aggro decks in the format nowadays, as it has great matchups against most decks. Depending on the meta, you can even play it as a midrange list, with a land destruction game plan in your sideboard or even in your main deck. This way, you'll be able to switch plans depending on each situation.


A card that surprised me a lot in this list is Shinen of Life's Roar. It is simply incredible in mirror matches, as it lest you attack with your creatures freely until you can deal lethal damage.

What did you think of this list? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!