The Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction Metagame was revealed this Thursday afternoon, April 25th.
The numbers of the Magic's professional tournament show a high predominance of Esper Midrange, with 31.4% of presence divided between 65 decks, numbers higher than those considered "common" for high-level tournaments, which are in around 25% for the best deck in the format.

Esper Midrange is the deck to beat in the Pro Tour. With a solid combination of cards that guarantee good consistency, it has remained at the top of the Standard Metagame over the last year and gained considerable additions with the latest expansion, Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

Among the main additions are Concealed Courtyard and the remainder of the Fast Lands cycle in enemy colors, which significantly improved the consistency of multicolored archetypes in Standard, as well as Duelist of the Mind, Nathan Steuer's world champion card, which has huge interactions with Raffine, Scheming Seer, Esper Midrange key card.

With over 10% of the Metagame, Boros Convoke is the second most played deck and presents itself as the best Aggro deck option today, with the ability to establish a highly efficient board as early as the second turn, thanks to the interaction between Novice Inspector It is Gleeful Demolition.

Other options with a good Metagame share iclude Temur Analyst, or Temur Ramp, which seeks to reccur lands from the graveyard to ramp and cast spells with high mana value, Four-Color Legends, focused on the interaction between legendary creatures and Relic of Legends - now equipped with a loop between Rona, Herald of Invasion, Relic of Legends and two copies Honest Rutstein - and Domain Ramp also present in Standard since the start of the current season.

Due to Esper Midrange's high Metagame share, the most played cards from the new set at the event are maindeck or sideboard pieces of the archetype, with Rest in Peace It is Pest Control being ideal answers to Temur Analyst and Boros Convoke.

Outside this scope, Slickshot Show-Off It is Three Steps Ahead stand out for their presence in aggressive red decks and in Azorius Control, respectively. Honest Rutstein was one of the reasons to play Four-Color Legends in the competitive scene, while the Fast Lands cycle has had the expected presence and impact in the Metagame by improving the consistency of several archetypes.
Pro Tout Outlaws of Thunder Junction takes place between April 26th and 28th in Draft and Standard formats, and you can check out the games live on the official Magic: The Gathering channel on Twitch!
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