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Explorer Deck Guide: Greasefang - Abzan or Mardu, which one to choose?

Explorer Deck Guide: Greasefang - Abzan or Mardu, which one to choose?

Gabriel Nunes

Today we'll compare the trusty Abzan Greasefang with its "new" version adding Red, in order to use s...

greasefang explorer metagame

Pioneer: Esper Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Esper Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


In today's article, I bring the Esper version of the Greasefang combo, how to play it and the Sidebo...

Pioneer Deck Guide Esper Greasefang

Explorer: Abzan Traverse Greasefang - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Abzan Traverse Greasefang - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


The new version of Abzan Greasefang, with Traverse the Ulvenwald, became the second most popular arc...

Deck Guide Abzan Greasefang Traverse

Explorer: Abzan Greasefang Deck Tech (Best of One)

Explorer: Abzan Greasefang Deck Tech (Best of One)


Able to win the game as early as the third turn, Abzan Greasefang is one of the most consistent Best...

Abzan Greasefang Explorer Arena

Explorer: Obscura Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Obscura Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


In today's article, I present a version of Esper Greasefang that seeks to capitalize on the fear and...

obscura greasefang explorer deck tech esper

Explorer: Mardu Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Mardu Greasefang Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Mardu Greasefang is the deck that demonstrates the best results in Explorer's competitive landscape ...

mardu explorer deck tech