Magic: the Gathering


Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!

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In this Article, I analyze the best commanders at Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Pauper EDH

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traducido por Romeu

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revisado por Tabata Marques

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  1. > Fleshtaker
  2. > Grizzly Ghoul
  3. > Rootcoil Creeper
  4. > Storm Skreelix
  5. > Vampire Socialite
  6. > Bonus
  7. > Conclusion


Another set coming up, so here we are, looking at the uncommon creatures that have the potential to be a good Pauper EDH deck commander.

The new set brings 49 new uncommon creatures and among them, we have separated those that have the potential to form a deck that can, in addition to being fun and diverse, also be competitive by the format's standards.

The set brings some new mechanics, and some old ones known to Innistrad. These mechanics can bring different and surprising decks, and in this format everything depends on how the deck is built and the gameplay of who pilots it.


However, this article aims to introduce those creatures that will best perform the role of commanding the other 99 cards. We've selected five, all in two colors, to build decks that can go head-to-head with the entire board!


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This is an Aristocrats deck, meaning that it sacrifices its creatures in exchange for benefits to advance the game, it makes many creature tokens to use with the commander, which has a relatively low cost.

It is necessary to be careful with the correct moment to cast the commander, as his toughness is fragile, so it is good to expect to have some defense in hand, or other creatures to increase this defense against red decks.

The deck has many synergistic creatures, which return from the graveyard or create tokens when they die, but the deck can run out of steam if the game goes on too long, so use your resources with caution.

Its triggered ability is also very useful, as it will at least arrange the top, so that card draw is efficient, in addition to one life because extra life is never too much. Ashnod's Altar is one of the key cards to activate the commander's ability many times.

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Grizzly Ghoul

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Another deck that can use the sacrifice theme to improve its game. The difference is that its ability generates +1/+1 counters when it enters, which makes it possible to make it huge.

Creatures that generate value and advantages from their sacrifices and the sacrifice of others are the key to the deck.

The deck also features Tortured Existence to get back the most important creatures that died earlier.

Another important point of the commander is the ability to Trample, which will be great to go over in combat when he is huge.

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Rootcoil Creeper

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The commander's cost is low, even more compared to everything he does, which is nothing more than adding mana.

The deck will need to have many flashback cards to make sense, including cards that draw cards, Deep Analysis, damage prevention effects, Moment's Peace, and other good cards that range from ramps, counterspells, cantrips to combos for infinite mana.

The commander will allow you to return that flashback card that has already been exiled, and this can be the key to a good play, even if it makes your commander return to the command zone.

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Storm Skreelix

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Five mana can be problematic, but once it enters the battlefield, it will put a lot of pressure on the board, as everything will cost a colorless mana less, making it possible to play many spells in the same turn more safely, making the commander a Voltron, with a chance to win one opponent at a time.

The deck will be full of cantrips, burns, counterspells, and other low-cost cards to trigger it, and still being spells relevant to the game's strategy.

This is another Voltron, that is, a creature that gets "pumped" to attack. Blink combos with Ghostly Flicker and the other creatures that help at this point can be a good option.


The red and blue monarchs can also be part of the deck, giving consistency with extra draws. Just be careful with the right moment to cast them.

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Vampire Socialite

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Vampires are a fascinating tribe. A Pauper Commander deck focused on vampires seems to be a great option, as this deck can destroy the creatures that opponents have, in addition to the synergy itself.

At a cost of two mana, one being black and one red, it's pretty good, even because this creature has three abilities. Although the second and third are conditional, requiring the opponent to have lost a creature, this isn't really a bad thing, as your many vampires tend to get too big, and the deck's burns can take care of an opponent with excess creature. The Menace can also work to remove the nastiest creatures and help with its other abilities.

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In addition to the five commanders who have some potential to be played at boards all over the world, in stores and on Spelltable, we bring here a deck that can play in another mode of Pauper Commander, the Pauper EDH Duels, or better said, the classic 1 vs. 1.

In the future, I should introduce our audience to the one-on-one variant with an article explaining everything, but beforehand, we can mention the fact that the deck's construction takes into account only one opponent, avoiding slower cards, taking advantage of these slots for cards that make decks faster and more objective.

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This creature has two of the new mechanics, and can bring a fast deck to the game, which with the commander will be strong, and which can also be independent.

The creature can be fragile as it is only 1/1 with First Strike. The goal is to quickly send it to the Graveyard, becoming dependent on a blocker, but by putting it into the graveyard, its Disturb ability will allow it to return to the battlefield transformed.

It can still be weak, 2/1, but it gives the ability to Ward 1 to all creatures on the field, meaning every time a creature is targeted by a spell or ability, the spell's controller must pay a colorless mana or that spell will be countered, and the player must pay Ward as many times as needed.

It still has Flying and First Strike and that evasion can be crucial. If you know how to ramp with artifacts and secure enough mana to protect it, you can enchant it with various enchantments to increase its power.

Another highlight is that, even as the text reads that if it dies it will be exiled, you can bring it back to the command zone!


We introduced you to commanders with the potential to not be too far behind at the boards they play at.

Of course, the lists are just examples of how you can create your deck, other creatures in the set can also be used without problems, we are targeting here those that we consider the best at the moment and with the available pool.

All decks were tested against each other, at least once with my personal testing team and with cards from my collection for a better understanding of how the decks work, enabling the creation of a game profile and criticism of their strength.


Some lists were found on internet sites, such as Moxfield and Tapped Out, and the creation belongs to the users who registered them, although we have changed some cards that, we think, are unnecessary in the competitive environment or added others that we think fit better.

As always, thanks to everyone for reading!

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