
With the arrival of Patch 4.3.0, Runeterra has had its first rotation of cards, and format division. In this article, we'll discuss a bit about the Standard format meta, in tournaments as well as in ranked.
Samira: The Big Elephant in the Middle of the Room

Samira is too strong, and right on the first day, this new champion's performance was compared to the frustration it was playing Kai'Sa at her release, only worse. It was to be expected that, after a great portion of the control tools Noxus and Shadow Isles had to deal with this sort of threat were rotated, Samira would arrive incredibly dominant.

The deck which was lovingly named Samiracle with Fizz is simply absurdly consistent and strong. There are already requests for a hotfix to this champion, altering the cost of her generated spells. Flair is too strong a card and this champion easily creates this token. Who would have guessed a unit with Quick Attack and Challenger at turn 2 would be too strong, right?
Another frustration for players is that control tools that were added to the game aren't effective against Samira. That is the case of Soul Harvest: You'd have to pay 4 mana to resolve Samira, and cards like All Out now exist and cancel the effect of this new Shadow Isles removal for just 1 mana.

But, this is the point of view of a Control player regarding the meta, and the one who writes to you is an avid Targon and Aphelios worshiper.
Aggro players have never been happier. Aggressive players also agree that this champion is too strong, but for them, it is fun, and they are happy, so, that's what matters.
Anyhow, it is expected that the meta revolves around Samira: You either play with her, or answer her.
Jack Isn't Winning

Unlike what we were speculating before, Sett isn't the weakest of the new champions, but rather, Jack is.
The Bilgewater boxer is having difficulties finding himself in the game, and, so far, his lists seem a bit too weak. Jack's level up effect is also not even a little bit strong, and this champion's support kit steals the spotlight and works independently of Jack being in your deck.
After everything, this Bilgewater Great White Shark, for now, will remain unplayed, particularly in the competitive scene.
About the Ranked Meta

The Standard ranked queue will be an endless dichotomy between playing Samira or answering her, until nerfs or alterations arrive.
Here is an example of a Samira deck which will be very common in the next few days:
There are some ways of countering this champion and archetype, but nothing is really guaranteed.It seems Riot has given us the poison without the antidote to go along with it.
The answers to Samira seem to be lists that take advantage of the keyword Challenger. Decks with lots of combat tricks and lists that can heal without using super expensive spells can also be useful against Samira.
Facing the Meta
Scouts - Answering Aggro with Aggro
You can tell conventional Control decks are off the table, and we're going into a Midrange/Aggro metagame. So, one of the best ways of stopping this Noxian champion is to use the strength and consistency of the challenger units in the Scouts deck.

Petricite Broadwing is outstanding against Samira and Blocking Badgerbear is great against her archetype's elusive units.
Keep in mind that it's not guaranteed you'll win against Samira with this list, ok? Even when we build decks that are meant to win against this champion, her win rate against her will still orbit around 50%.
Aatrox and Kayn
Darkins are back and they are stronger than ever. Kayn, particularly, is on the rise, as it can easily deal with the units on Samiracle's board, and can even heal when he transforms into Rhaast final level.

That is without mentioning that this list is already considered a classic, and, as a result, we can expect most players to use this strategy in the first few days, as they're already used to the deck and are playing it for longer, particularly in the Masters queue.
About Tournament Meta

Now, here is the tricky bit. In tournaments, you bring the most effective Samira counter of all time... Banning. So, we can expect the main strategy will be something like: 1 Samira deck, to be banned, and two brawling Midrange lists.

As it's still very early, we can't tell what's strong or not in tournaments, because we have been working with too many variables, and the only deck that's super popular, besides Samira, is Teemo Caitlyn, the shroom deck.
My prediction for Tournament meta, in case it takes a while for us to see a nerf to Samira and/or if she remains strong even after nerfs, is that value lists with Karma and Master Yi will be very relevant. Even its new variant with Sett can be incredible.

I believe Norra Veigar might also show up a lot too, reviving the Control-Bandle archetype. Definitely Aatrox and Kayn somehow will show up in a lineup as usual, but they won't be players' priorities. And lastly, Freljord probably won't see any play until the end of April, beginning of May.
Keep in mind all that was said in the paragraph above are predictions. In case any of them is true, you've read it here first!
Final Words

At the end of the day, we're still trying out the new season. Many things are yet being discovered. It is a matter of time until a new archetype or deck will start showing up as more needs are recognized. And when that moment comes, I'll be here to comment on it and unwrap the meta with you guys!
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