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Festival of Legends: Top 3 Best Decks to reach Legend

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The Metagame has changed a lot with the new expansion in Hearthstone, check out the 3 decks that are bringing the most results today and a guide on each one of them!

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translated by Romeu

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Table of contents

  1. > Totem Shaman
    1. Overview
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan
  2. > Frost Death Knight
    1. Overview
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan
  3. > Pure Paladin
    1. Overview
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan
  4. > Conclusion and Bonus Deck

With the release of Festival of Legends, new lists have emerged, as well as old decks that have returned to the meta. Discover the 3 decks with the best performance to guarantee the Legend of the month!

Totem Shaman

16 commons, 4 rares, 6 epics and 4 legendarys





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Amalgam der Tiefe


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Totemfürst Eys'or


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Die Steinhauerin


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30 cards maindeck

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Shaman is definitely one of the most fun classes to play, murloc and totem decks have always been loved by Hearthstone players.

And finally, the class is strong in the meta, bringing the most fun list in this article (for me), the Totem Shaman!


In short, we are playing with an aggressive deck, so our main goal is to build a large board of totems. Then we'll power it up with some specific cards that increase the stats of our minions - more on that later.


We bring some essential cards to fulfill our goal. The weapon Carving Chisel, the minions Tour Guide, Party Favor Totem, and the spell Totemic Evidence are great examples.

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The deck interacts very well with totems (as you can see), and in addition to extraordinary buffs with the aforementioned cards, we also have the chance to play great minions for 0 mana. I'm talking about the Gigantotem and Thing from Below, which cost one less for each totem you summon!

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Win Condition

The main way to win the match is to strengthen the existing minions on our field. But rest assured, the deck offers numerous ways to do this.

Cards like Anchored Totem, The Stonewright and Grand Totem Eys'or can greatly increase your board's stat.

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Not to mention Rotgill, which grants a Deathrattle to all troops present on your board, giving +1/+1 to all minions whenever one of them dies.

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We also have a secondary win condition with JIVE, INSECT!. When using this spell, it will transform some allied minion into Ragnaros the Firelord, but for Ragnaros to be a finisher, the opponent must have 8 or less life, and we will have to rely on the RNG for Ragnaros's effect to go straight into the opponent's face, ignoring opposing minions.

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The mulligan will be based on your play style and opponent's deck.

Aggressive decks can easily crush your board, so I recommend focusing on minions with good stats that provide buffs to your totems. The Stonewright and Anchored Totem are good examples.

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I also recommend keeping the Schooling spell, since you would have three fish quickly, a small removal, very effective against fast decks. Not to mention that they are strengthened by Anchored Totem.

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If facing a control list full of removals, keep only the buff cards.

Now, if you're up against slow decks that wait for the last few turns to play big minions, you can press hard. Use minions from turn one like Tour Guide and Mistake, or even your weapon to threaten them.

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Now think about playing Anchored Totem alongside Party Favor Totem to create a large board, both in quantity and status. Surely, the opponent will be deadlocked, being forced to surrender!

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If this deck caught your attention, I invite you to read a specific guidelink outside website talking only about Totem Shaman, more detailed and with an explanatory gameplay video.

Frost Death Knight


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Hearthstone's new class arrived during the Rise of the Lich King expansion late last year, and it's already in the meta!

The Frost Death Knight got its name because it only carries frost runes in its build. The deck was already well known last year, but it has been updated using some new Festival of Legends cards and is much stronger!


The previous version of this deck focused more on holding the game until you had a good amount of mana to cast several damage spells on the opponent's face.

Today, Frost DK works differently, closer to a midrange deck, with multiple minions, low or medium cost.

Basically, you want to drop at least one minion per turn, putting a little pressure on the opponent, or even doing good trades to clear their board.

It is also possible to generate plenty of resources for your hand, using cards like Frost Strike, Nerubian Vizier and Acolyte of Death.

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Unlike an aggressive deck, we have good late-game options. As the rounds go on, Marrow Manipulator, Overseer Frigidara and Frostwyrm's Fury can be very useful removals and sources of damage.

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Like every Death Knight list, the Corpse mechanic is present with Body Bagger and Marrow Manipulator.

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Win Condition

The list itself doesn't have a specific finisher, but we can highlight some cards.

Considering you've managed to put the initial pressure on the opponent, leaving them with 10 or less health, Marrow Manipulator can be the key to winning. If you have 5 or more Corpses, Marrow Manipulator will deal 10 damage (5 shots dealing 2 damage to random enemies), and if the opponent has no minions to block this damage, all shots will go to the face.

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Frostwyrm's Fury is another way to beat the game. If the opponent is threatening you with a board full of troops, use this spell to deal 5 damage to them, in addition to freezing their minions, nullifying the pressure for one turn.

Then (on the next round), just use the other copy of Frostwyrm's Fury, for a total of 10 damage. Let's say this is your main win condition: deal some damage to the opponent and hold until you have 2 copies of this spell in your hand.

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The Mulligan on this list doesn't have many secrets, just play on the mana curve.

But it is logical that, depending on the opponent, we will change our preferences a little. Our deck offers several options for early turns.

Against fast (aggressive) decks, I recommend looking for Bone Breaker, as well as Harbinger of Winter and Frost Strike.

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As against slower lists, you can keep as many 1-cost cards as possible in your hand, Nerubian Vizier and Acolyte of Death.

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Pure Paladin

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This is perhaps the strongest deck currently, boasting over 58.8% win rate.

Pure Paladin has always been widely used by players, in the most diverse expansions, and it was no different with the Festival of Legends.


As the name implies, the deck is “Pure” Paladin, that is, without using neutral cards.

Building the deck with only class cards favors Paladin a lot, synergizing with Class Action Lawyer, The Purator, The Countess, and Lightray.

It's a pretty aggressive list, and its goal is to play numerous small minions, using spells or effects from other troops to boost stats or even grant Divine Shield to your board.

Even the weapon in the deck has this purpose, the Disco Maul.

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We see that the focus of the deck is buffs when looking at spells, they all grant some kind of buff to your minions. Check out:

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Win Condition

As is already clear, we don't have a specific wincondition.

Put a lot of pressure on the opponent in the first 4 turns, and then think of the best possible move to continue having an advantage in the game.

I'm sure the opponent will have a hard time dealing with a Lightray costing zero and being empowered by various spells like Seal of Blood and For Quel'Thalas!.


Look for the most one- or two-cost minions for your starting hand. I also indicate that you keep a Hand of A'dal on Mulligan if possible, it will draw a card, increasing the gas in your hand during the game.

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Your Mulligan will always be done this way, regardless of your opponent's deck.

Conclusion and Bonus Deck

I'll leave an extra deck for Paladin fans, which is also strong, by the way. I won't comment much about it because the main focus is the Pure Paladin which is in the absolute top 1, but check out this list of Mech Paladin!

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That's all for today! I'm open to comments in case of doubts or suggestions, until next time!