Pokemon TCG

Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech: Annihilape ex - Burst Fury

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Today, we'll explore Annihilape, Paldea Primeape's evolution, in Expanded! This deck is aggressive, as it combines this Pokémon's ferocious style with cards that buff Fighting Pokémon!

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تمت الترجمة بواسطة Joey

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تمت مراجعته من قبل Joey

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جدول المحتويات

  1. > Introduction
  2. > Annihilape ex: Burst Fury
    1. Decklist
    2. Deck Structure
    3. Annihilape: The Main Attacker and Its Variants
    4. How to Use Annihilape
    5. Primeape
    6. Recursive Pokémon
    7. Trainers
    8. Special Energy
  3. > Pros and Cons
    1. Pros
    2. Cons
  4. > Final Words


In today's article, we'll take a look at this Expanded Annihilape ex list. It uses many Fighting "staples", like Martial Arts Dojo UNB 179, Karate Belt UNM 201, and Strong Energy FCO 115.

Let's go!

Annihilape ex: Burst Fury


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Deck Structure

Annihilape: The Main Attacker and Its Variants

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Annihilape ex

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To use this Pokémon's main attack, Angry Grudge, you'll have to put 12 damage counters on Annihilape ex. In exchange, it deals 20 damage for each damage counter you add this way.


This means that, if you put all 12 counters, you'll deal 240 damage!

Annihilape (Scarlet/Violet: Surging Sparks)

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Its main attack, Destined Fight, is unique: it Knocks Out both active Pokémon!

It is quite useful if the enemy Pokémon has a lot of HP and you'd struggle to Knock it Out in a single turn otherwise.

Annihilape (Scarlet/Violet: Base Set)

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Its attack, Rage Fist, deals damage according to how many Prize cards your opponent has taken.

Each Prize card they took adds 70 damage, so you can deal 350 damage if they took five Prize cards!

How to Use Annihilape

Ideally, start with Annihilape ex PR-SV 32's Angry Grudge. This deck is built to deal with self-damage, so your "single prize" Annihilape will enter play all set to answer your opponent.

If your opponent has taken more Prize cards than you, use Annihilape sv1 109's Rage Fist, as it might be the best way to balance the game.


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X/Y: Steam Siege's Primeape STS 53 is excellent because of its attack, Spirited Throw, which deals extra damage if the enemy Pokémon has more HP than Primeape.

As Primeape only has 90 HP, it is an efficient attacker against tougher Pokémon, but it also prepares the board for your Annihilape.

Recursive Pokémon

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Mew ex sv3pt5 151's ability, Restart, draws cards.

Fezandipiti ex SFA 38 also draws cards, but only if one of your opponent Knocks Out one of your Pokémon.

Diancie ◇ FLI 74 adds 20 damage to any Fighting attack if it is on your bench.

Mew UNB 76's ability, Bench Barrier, protects benched Pokémon from "sniper" attacks.


Supporters to Shuffle Hands

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Supporters to Filter Stadiums, Tools, and Special Energies

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This card is essential, as it gives you Martial Arts Dojo UNB 179, Karate Belt UNM 201, and Strong Energy FCO 115.

Supporters to "Pull" Enemy Pokémon

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Items to Get Pokémon

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Items to Get Trainers

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Items to Get Energies

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Items to Evolve Mankey into Annihilape

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Items to Pull Enemy Pokémon

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Items to Recycle Resources

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If you have more Prize cards left than your opponent, the Pokémon this Tool is attached to will need one Fighting energy less to attack.


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With this card, if a Pokémon has at least one Fighting energy attached (except for Ultra Beasts), its attacks will deal 10 extra damage. If you took less Prize cards than your opponent, its attacks will deal 40 extra damage!


This will be great with Annihilape.

Special Energy

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This energy adds 20 damage to a Fighting Pokémon's attack if it is attached to it.

Pros and Cons


This deck is great against Electric Pokémon, like Pikachu & Zekrom-GX TEU 33, Iron Hands ex sv4 70, Regieleki VMAX SIT 58, and Tyranitar ex sv3 66.


However, this deck struggles with Psychic decks, "spread damage decks" like Dragapult ex PRE 73 and Dragapult VMAX RCL 93, Mewtwo V-Union, and Arceus & Dialga & Palkia TAG TEAM-GX.

Final Words

This deck is accessible and easy to build, so it's perfect for the Expanded format. However, you'll need a bit of practice to get the most out of the Prize card mechanic, which is often crucial to winning.

What did you think of this list? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!