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Legends of Runeterra's first Master player of the season is Grandparoji!

Legends of Runeterra's first Master player of the season is Grandparoji!


The player used a very interesting list to reach the rank of Master for this season! Check out the f...

news competitive ranked

Explorer: Abzan Greasefang Deck Tech (Best of One)

Explorer: Abzan Greasefang Deck Tech (Best of One)


Able to win the game as early as the third turn, Abzan Greasefang is one of the most consistent Best...

Abzan Greasefang Explorer Arena

M.O.D.O.K:  Analysis and decks with Marvel Snap's new card!

M.O.D.O.K: Analysis and decks with Marvel Snap's new card!

Tony Lucas

In this article, I analyze M.O.D.O.K. and bring the best decks with him to play in Marvel Snap's new...

Discard Review M.O.D.O.K

Hasbro is diluting Magic: The Gathering's value, Bank of America reinforces

Hasbro is diluting Magic: The Gathering's value, Bank of America reinforces


After the DnD licensing controversy earlier in January, Hasbro is hit with yet another note from Ban...

news mtg dnd bank of america value

Marvel Snap's New Season: New Cards, New Bundles, New Locations!

Marvel Snap's New Season: New Cards, New Bundles, New Locations!


The newest Marvel Snap season comes in hot for February: Into the Quantum Realm brings about new car...

news marvel snap mordok event

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...

competitive lor decks news

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview


The first tourney after the banlist implemented on January 30th brings the first competitive outlook...

news fabtcg indiana tournament competitive

What's the difference between Toxic, Infect & Poisonous?

What's the difference between Toxic, Infect & Poisonous?


An analysis of Magic: The Gathering's most venomous abilities!

Phyrexia.Poison Toxic

Leaked! More Marvel Snap Nerfs May Be Coming

Leaked! More Marvel Snap Nerfs May Be Coming


A small leak by a trusted dataminer might confirm nerfs to two more Marvel Snap cards.

nerfs leak marvelsnap

Top 5 Commanders who Generate Tokens

Top 5 Commanders who Generate Tokens

Nat Almeida

Do you want to build a deck focused on tokens, but don't know which commander to use? Check out our ...

commander tokens casual

Pioneer Dimir Prototype: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pioneer Dimir Prototype: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Raphael Martinez

Today, we'll explore a deck that uses the new prototype mechanic allied to Release the Wind to creat...

pioneer dimir deck tech sideguide

Expanded Deck Tech: Trevenant & Dusknoir TT-GX + Cresselia

Expanded Deck Tech: Trevenant & Dusknoir TT-GX + Cresselia

Rodrigo William

Get to know one of the best Expanded Control decks, which will make your opponents mad! We have here...

PokémonTCG Ghost Control

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Come revisit the story of one of the most consistent decks in all Legends of Runterra's history. Eve...

curiosities deck tech

First Pokémon subset is revealed: Triple Beat is here!

First Pokémon subset is revealed: Triple Beat is here!


The subset brings Generation IX starters.

news pokémontcg starters triple beat

Expanded Deck Tech: Moltres (Deck Out)

Expanded Deck Tech: Moltres (Deck Out)

Rodrigo William

Get to know one of the best MIll/Deckout strategies on Expanded, with Moltres from the Sun/Moon: Tea...

Moltres Pokémon Expanded

Writing Essays Made Easy: Key Things to Remember

Writing Essays Made Easy: Key Things to Remember


Writing a good essay doesn’t need to be one of those challenges, so we’ve compiled 8 key things for ...

essay writing

Discover the Best UK Online Casinos for Blackjack Lovers

Discover the Best UK Online Casinos for Blackjack Lovers


Are you a blackjack fanatic on the hunt for the best UK online casinos for your favourite game? Look...

blackjack online uk

The Countries That Like Gambling The Most

The Countries That Like Gambling The Most


Here we will show some numbers per country: percentage of adults that gamble, number of betting shop...

gambling statistic countries

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