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Commander: 6 Things You Should Avoid Doing in Your Matches!

Commander: 6 Things You Should Avoid Doing in Your Matches!

Vinicius Sorin

Check out how certain behaviors can negatively impact your Commander matches and why! Don't do these...

opinion commander

Commander Deck Guide: Illuna, Apex of Wishes (Slimestorm)!

Commander Deck Guide: Illuna, Apex of Wishes (Slimestorm)!

Vinicius Sorin

Check out how Slime Against Humanity can transform your Commander matches!

Commander deck tech

Brawl in Arena: Five decks worth considering

Brawl in Arena: Five decks worth considering

Vinicius Sorin

Check out some decks that are yielding good matches on MTGA Brawl

Brawl cozinha offline