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Star Citizen New Pilot Guide to Space Flight

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Star Citizen can be quite challenging to learn for a new player. With its massive universe, players can often be confused as to where to start from. If you are a new player who wants to get acquainted with the mechanics of Space Flights in Star Citizen up to mastery, then this guide is for you.

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The basics are explained step by step below:


Players need to own ships along with its latest upgrades and gears. Every ship follows the same mechanic but has different potentials. It is difficult to earn money in the early game through grinding so players can buy ships and gears through Star Citizen aUEClink outside website – Star Citizen’s in-game currency.

Six Degrees of Freedom

Star Citizen’s ships can move along the X, Y, and Z axis which allows the players to freely move their ship while performing the movements listed below:


• Forward / Backward (thrust)

• Up / Down (strafe)

• Left / Right (strafe)

• Pitch (up and down rotation)

• Yaw (left and right rotation)

• Roll (side to side roll)

Flight Modes

Star Citizenlink outside website features two modes namely:

Coupled Mode: This provides automatic control as the ship’s computer stabilizes and manages the ship while paving your flight’s path.

Decoupled Mode: This provides the players with manual control over the ship while allowing the players quick maneuvers like drifting.

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Flight Models

Star Citizen uses Newtonian physics which states that if an object is in motion, it will stay in motion until another force acts upon it. Since every ship has been entrusted with this law, it means that every ship in Star Citizen has the same main engines, maneuvering & retro thrusters. You can buy Star Citizen shipslink outside website as per your preference. Star Citizen features various flight models that work in different atmospheres and are listed below:

Space Flight Model: This space model is for areas with no atmosphere or drag. This flight features boost and afterburner so this allows for quick turns with a temporary increase in speed. If you maneuver too roughly with this model, your character might black out or redout.

Atmospheric Flight Model: This ship can be flown in areas with gravity and air resistance. Your ship can slow down naturally due to air resistance. Due to the dynamic weather, ships with wings do better than boxy ships. During landing, your ship can also be pushed off course so it's recommended that the players use VTOL (vertical take-off and landing).

Quantum Travel Model: This model is the alternate version of FTL (faster than light) travel. This flight allows you to travel quickly between planets and stations. It also has the Quantum Beacons that even NPCs can place for you to jump locations but it is to be noted that enemies can also pull you out of it by using an interdiction device.

Combat Flight Model: Since combat in Star Citizen requires quick thinking and reflexes at crucial times, players need to understand how their combat ship works. There are two types of weapons: Fixed and Gimbaled. Fixed weapons require manual aim but deal high damage whereas Gimbaled weapons can auto-track enemies, which makes it easier for new players.

HUD Overview

In Star Citizen, the HUD (heads-up display) is the view of the cockpit which provides all the information about your ship. The following are the main elements of HUD:

• Velocity Gauge: Shows the current speed

• Throttle Gauge: Shows the throttle percentage

• Shield: Shows the shield’s strength

• Power Triangle: Adjusts power distribution for Shields, Engines, and Weapons

• Targeting reticle: Helps aiming and locking down enemies

• G-Force Meter: Shows dangerous G-forces that might cause a blackout

• Fuel Level: Displays available fuel for travel.


If you are looking to expand your resources and get a headstart, you can use aUEC for HUD upgrades and equipment.

Combat Maneuvers

To survive in Star Citizen, it is crucial to learn combat skills. For new players, it is effective to learn important tactics and strategies.

1. Strafe and Roll

This is a basic evasive maneuver that allows the players to avoid enemies while still maintaining control of the ship. A plus point is that rolling spreads damage across shields and also makes it harder for the enemies to track you.

2. J-Hook

Also known as fast direction change. This method is the best for quick dodges and reversals. This is useful for running outmaneuvering enemies who are on you as it makes your movement less predictable.

3. Break and Turn

This tactic is best for enemies to shoot overly so that you can counter-attack. By using this, players can force their enemies to fly past you due to their fast speed and you can change from defensive to offensive.

Advanced Techniques

Once you have gotten the hang of the basics, you can count on these advanced techniques to ensure survival and efficiency:

• Hover Mode: Prevents hard landings in tight areas

• Decoupled Hovering: Allows holding position while aiming

• Atmospheric Freefall Recovery: Prevents deadly crashes when lost control

• Quick Takeoffs: Helps in escaping attacks at outposts

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A massive game like Star Citizen can't be learned in just a day or a week. It requires time and patience along with dedication. Listed below are some suitable places for the players to train and practice in:

• Arena Commander: This is a simulation mode with no risks.

• Grim HEX Asteroid Field: Best for obstacle detection and dogfighting drills

• Yela’s Atmosphere: You can test landing along with hover mode

• Daymar Canyon Runs: Test and improve terrain flying

• Port Olisar: The space nearby provides an open area for formation flying


Star Citizen is similar to a vast galaxy that is just waiting to be explored. This game might take you a long time to learn and even longer to master but once you get a hang of it, you can simply adapt and evolve in the game. Every battle will teach you a new lesson and with practice comes perfection so keep practicing.