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Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format


We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...

legacy 10 staples

Dominaria United Commander Precon Decklists

Dominaria United Commander Precon Decklists


The Dominaria United Commander / EDH precons feature 1 3-color commander and 1 5-color commander! Sh...

commander edh dominaria

Modern: Calibrated Blast - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Modern: Calibrated Blast - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Rodrigo Monteiro

Find out all about the deck that surprised everyone this weekend, Calibrated Blast! And we even incl...

modern calibrated blast budget deck guide

Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH

Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH

Felipe Torres

A selection of the top 15 mana ramp cards used in cEDH.

cEDH top 15 commander

Pokémon will have Halloween-themed cards in 2022

Pokémon will have Halloween-themed cards in 2022

Rodrigo William

Learn more about the Halloween themed cards for 2022 announced by Pokémon Company International.

pokemon tcg halloween promo

Top 5 Best Commanders for Group Hug

Top 5 Best Commanders for Group Hug

Pedro Braga

In this article, we discuss the five best commanders for Group Hug, a fun strategy which has been ri...

EDH Commander Top 5

Pioneer: Mono Red Aggro Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Mono Red Aggro Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Sometimes, the best option is to care more about sticking to your game plan and focus on striking fi...

pioneer deck guide mono red

6 Good Commanders for decks near 150 USD

6 Good Commanders for decks near 150 USD

Felipe Torres

In this article, I present six commanders that can make great decks near 150 dollars.

commander edh budget

cEDH Deck Tech: Tevesh, Doom of Fools & Kraum Ludevic's Opus Storm

cEDH Deck Tech: Tevesh, Doom of Fools & Kraum Ludevic's Opus Storm

Felipe Torres

Today I'll bring you a grixis turbo/storm list, with the commanders, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools and ...

cEDH commander storm

Commander Deck Tech: Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy & Scion of Halaster

Commander Deck Tech: Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy & Scion of Halaster

Felipe Torres

Today, we introduce a Dimir budget list focused on Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy and the background Scion ...

edh commander deck tech

Top 10 Weirdest and funniest Commanders in Magic

Top 10 Weirdest and funniest Commanders in Magic

Pedro Braga

In this Top 10 for Commander, we will see some of the most insane creatures with the weirdest abilit...

top 10 commander

Pauper: Mono Red Blitz Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mono Red Blitz Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Monastery Swiftspear didn't just come to help Burn, in Mono Red Blitz it also helps a lot and the de...

mono red blitz pauper deck guide

Deck Tech: Mewtwo V-Union Control - Surprised at the International!

Deck Tech: Mewtwo V-Union Control - Surprised at the International!

Rodrigo William

Follow this wonderful deck that gained great prominence at the International USA championship in Jun...

Standard mewtwo V-Union Deck Guide

Hearthstone: 4 Tips to get to Legend

Hearthstone: 4 Tips to get to Legend

Pedro Fernandes

Today, I bring four efficient tips for Hearthstone players to go up on the ranked ladder and get in...

Hearthstone tips legend

How to stop Combos in Commander: Answers Guide pt. 4

How to stop Combos in Commander: Answers Guide pt. 4

Felipe Torres

The fourth part of my article series, where I elaborate on combos used in Commander and the means to...

edh combos commander

Modern: 6 cards that could be unbanned (and 6 cards that can't)

Modern: 6 cards that could be unbanned (and 6 cards that can't)


Modern's Banlist has cards that have been there for over a decade. In this article, I present six ca...

Modern banlist analysis

Commander Deck Tech: Livaan, Cultist of Tiamat & Raised by Giants

Commander Deck Tech: Livaan, Cultist of Tiamat & Raised by Giants

Pedro Braga

Straight from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, we have a deck that brings massive aggres...

Commander deck tech livaan background

Deck Tech: Nami Twisted Fate, stand as a proud tide caller!

Deck Tech: Nami Twisted Fate, stand as a proud tide caller!

Capitão Serket

An amazing list that showed up recently, it holds off pretty good in the early game and finishes wit...

competitive Runeterra

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