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Pacto das Guildas
A new metagame is forming in Standard after the arrival of Wilds of Eldraine. In today's article, I'...
DeckTech Standard Sideguide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll teach you how to play with the deck I reached masters with in this standard ra...
guide control standard
The 29th Magic World Championship started this weekend. In today's article, I'll analyze this compet...
mtgworlds standard analysis
Rodrigo William
In this article, check out an analysis on which are the possibly strongest Pokémon for the metagame ...
PokémonTCG Kanto 151 Set Standard
Domain Cascade showed promising results in the first week of Wilds of Eldraine, but can it live up t...
Standard Domain Cascade Deck Guide
With so many Janna lists being played in Standard, a question arises in the community: after all, wh...
guide standard janna
Follow the Jynx ex deck, which collaborates with a devastating attack that can knock out any Pokémon...
Standard Jynx Kanto Hit Kill Theory
Keep track of Andrew Estrada's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Regionals championship deck; his version of ...
TCG Standard Regional Lost Box Andrew Estrada
Are you lost with all the new cards and don't know what to play in the new expansion? Don't be afrai...
guide list standard
Check out, in this article, the main new decks that have shown up at competitive tournaments in the ...
Eldraine Standard Metagame
Get to know the Charizard ex Terastal deck, which was released in the Scarlet & Violet: Obsidian Fla...
Standard Charizard Pidgeot Obsidian Flames
If you're looking for something cheap, practical, and easy to put together if you're just starting o...
Stardard Tyranitar Paldea Evolved
In this article, we'll discuss an extremely strong Standard list using the new card, Cosmic Call, wh...
guide standard competitive
Keep up with the Zapdos ex deck from the 151 Kanto Sub Set special collection. Its strategy is deali...
Standard Zapdos Kanto 151 Theory
Wilds of Eldraine is here. In today's article, I bring five lists for the Standard format with the n...
Standard WOE
Keep up with the Tyranitar ex Terastal list with its Electric type, which brings us back to its pred...
Standard Terastral Tyranitar Lightning Type
Get to know the set 151 Blastoise ex list, using Baxcalibur's advantages with the dynamic energy set...
Standard Blastoise Kanto Theory 151
Wilds of Eldraine comes in soon and should impact constructed formats, particularly Standard. In tod...
WOE Review Standard