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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rodrigo William
Get to know a Pikachu & Zekrom Tag Team with Magnezone-VStar and Jolteon-VMax deck build for the exp...
Expanded PokemonTCG ElectricType Sniper
Get to know a Gardevoir & Sylveon Tag Team deck build for the expanded format, with a Tanker game st...
Expanded PokemonTCG Fairy Type Control Han
Felipe Torres
This article brings a guide with card recommendations to enhance the initial Precon Commander: First...
Let's find out together what the new set offers us in terms of news for PDH, a format that has been ...
Mateus Nogueira
In today’s article we rank ALL 45 potential Commanders and their supplementing products! Come check...
Commander cedh edh
Pedro Braga
We've finally come to a point in which we have many playable Urzas in Magic, and enough for a Top 5....
commander Brother's War
Nat Almeida
Have you ever faced cards named Shrines? In this article, we will talk about what they are and bring...
commander shrines kamigawa edh
Eduardo Silveira
This is an analysis of the pre-constructed deck "Mishra's Burnished Banner", commanded by Mishra, Em...
EDH Grixis Artifact Matters
Gabriel Almeida
This article talks about Edgar Markov: one of the best commanders for those who want to play with an...
Commander Edgar Markov Deck Tech
Zed and Hecarim together with the power of the forces from beyond! This duo came back at full force,...
Zed Hecarim ephemerals
We've reviewed the 10 cards we believe have the most potential for cEDH in The Brother's War supleme...
Review cEDH Transformers The Brothers' War
Meet the Blastoise VMax deck for the Expanded format, focused on dealing sniper damage on the oppone...
Blastoise Expaned Deck Tech
An analysis of The Brothers' War Commander Precon: Urza's Iron Alliance, the artifact themed deck le...
EDH Commander Precon Upgrades
Meet the Charizard VMax deck for the Expanded format, picking up the best resources in auxiliary Pok...
Expanded Charizad Deck Tech
Discover how to build the Venusaur VMax deck for the Expanded format, picking up better resources fr...
Venusaur Expanded PokémonTCG
A selection of the strongest cards from The Brothers' War for competitive Commander.
cEDH The Brothers' War Top 10
Here we list some benefits of Online Gambling like having a better game selection and not being rest...
benefit gamble
We've done our homework and compiled a list of the best CS:GO websites offering free credits. Let’s ...
csgo cases gamble