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Magic: the Gathering
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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Christopher Anderson
In this article, we will explore the mechanics and curiosities about the creation of the successor t...
RPG For The Quest review
Tabata Marques
Pro Quest was announced and with it the prizes were also revealed. Check now the dates, prizes and c...
FaB ProQuest season4 protour
Pedro Braga
In this article, we will provide an updated explanation of the "Phasing" keyword, created in Mirage....
rules mechanics questions phasing
Legends of Runeterra devs reached out to the community for another AMA, and, this time, I, Joeystick...
news ama competitive casual
Tony Lucas
In this article, I share my impressions and strategies used in Snap's new game mode!
Conquest Mode Review Snap
In this article, you'll find tips and strategies to help you face challenges and get incredible rewa...
tpoc lor beginning beginners
André Marcus
Clear up all your questions about game mechanics and interaction rules, including the most advanced!
tutorial tips rules mechanics questions
Pedro Fernandes
Think you know everything about Hearthstone? Come test your knowledge of the game by taking a quick ...
hs quiz hs questions hs cards
Mateus Nogueira
We're looking once more at the 2022 Conquest metagame, this time at the cards. The biggest win and p...
Conquest Metagame Analysis Staples
In today's article, we'll analyze the 2022 Conquest metagame! Which were the most popular commanders...
Conquest Metagame Analysis
Do you think you know everything about Overwatch? Come test out your knowledge about the game by tak...
quiz overwatch questions overwatch
Vinicius Sorin
Check out some of the best theories from players and the internet about Streets of New Capenna, as w...
rumor lore
Antonio Carlos
Today, the judge Antonio Faillace presents the most recurring questions that he saw during Kamigawa:...
judge rules kamigawa
The Quest Warrior has been dominating ranked for months, and it's one of the best choices for anyone...
standard quest warrior hs deck guide
Felipe Torres
In today's article, we talk about some of the best decks for Conquest, the new Commander variant!
edh conquest multiplayer
This article is about a recent Commander variant, Conquest, which is gaining ground wherever it goes...
Conquest competitive mtg
We interviewed Kai Budde, one of the most winning players in major MTG tournaments! Check out!
interview budde mtg mpl
In Today’s Eleven Questions, we interviewed Brian Lewis, better known as "The Professor"! We talked ...
interview Lewis arena tolarian