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The most affected champions by the rule change in LoR

The most affected champions by the rule change in LoR

Tony Lucas

The 3.6 patch update brought big changes to the rules of the game. Get to know what changed, which c...

Interactions Changes

Hearthstone Grandmasters: Learn to Play with decks used by the Champion

Hearthstone Grandmasters: Learn to Play with decks used by the Champion

Pedro Fernandes

"Páscoa" was crowned winner of Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas this weekend. Check out the decks t...

top decks hs hs grandmasters hs decks

Zendikar Rising Draft guide, by Paulo Chiozzani - HG Team

Zendikar Rising Draft guide, by Paulo Chiozzani - HG Team


Paulo from HG Team here, and today we will talk about a topic and format very dear to some, but hate...

draft zendikar rising arena

Side by side: Building sideboards in Penny Dreadful

Side by side: Building sideboards in Penny Dreadful


In today's article we'll explore tips and the many pieces required for a good sideboard in Penny Dre...

penny budget

Sideboard Cards by color in Pauper

Sideboard Cards by color in Pauper


This article is the last on the series Pauper for New Players. We'll discuss the sideboard, separati...

Pauper New Player

DCI, Planeswalker Points and Grand Prix's Byes will be removed soon

DCI, Planeswalker Points and Grand Prix's Byes will be removed soon


The end of Planeswalker Points and DCI


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