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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll review the last Skirmish season and see how some heroes' departure, the ba...
LL Skirmish Zen Dash Rhinar Briar
In today's article, we'll review the new list of banned and restricted cards, which brought changes ...
ban zen cc starvo bounds
In today's article, we'll explore the mists of Misteria and analyze the new set, Part the Mistveil. ...
msm nuu enigma zen chi
Rodrigo William
Keep up with the Wolves of Galar decks with their VStar forms plus the benefits from ADP's GX attack...
Zacian Zamazenta SteelType Massive Damage
Check out the expansion's most valuable cards for competitive and collecting investment, plus some s...
PokémonTCG Crown Zenith Value
Keep up with the latest special Sword/Shield set and its finish; in which you'll find information th...
CrownZenith Sword&Shield Collecting TCG
Get to know the metallic wall of the Galarian Wolves alongside Hisuian Goodra, generating tons os va...
Standard Galarian Wolfs
Gabriel Willis
In this guide, I present everything you need to know about how to play with Elves in Pauper, includi...
comptitive pauper elves
Voy a mostrar en este artículo el potencial de la nueva creatura de Kaldheim: Magda, Brazen Outlaw. ...
Commander: Kaldheim Análisis
On this article, I will show the potential of Kaldheim's newest legendary creature: Magda, Brazen Ou...
Commander Kaldheim Analysis ed
Paulo from HG Team here, and today we will talk about a topic and format very dear to some, but hate...
draft zendikar rising arena
There are many Elementals on Zendikar, with many legends among them for the protection, reconstructi...
lore zendikar
Zendikar Rising brought new cards to the Modern format. Here we going to see these new cards looking...
modern zendikar rising
Zendikar Rising is the proof that Pauper became increasingly relevant when Wizards designs a new set...
Pauper Competitive Review
This article is a compilation of all the combos seen in Zendikar Rising by our subscribers
combo zendikar rising
Zendikar Rising Commander's decklists have been released! Let's look at what Commanders Obuun, Mul D...
edh commander
Daniel Linhares
Star Citizen can be quite challenging to learn for a new player. With its massive universe, players ...
Zendikar Rising Art Series is part of the Zendikar Rising set: the art of several cards signed by th...
spoiler zendikarrising