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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rodrigo William
Today, we gathered the top 10 best Entei in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scen...
johto entei tcg
Lucia Dysis
In this article, we'll discuss the impact of patch 31.0.3, whose goal is to align the meta's power l...
patch standard hearthstone
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll show you 5 budget decks for the Advanced format and their strategies. If you'r...
yu-gi-oh budget ranking
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll show you the top 5 worst cards in Pokémon Pocket, explain why they're so bad,...
opinion ptcg pokémon
We upgraded our list of the top 5 worst Legends of Runeterra cards of all time - and yes, this is ou...
highlight opinion trivia lor
In this article, we present the Planeswalker cards that made history in Magic: The Gathering, whethe...
Planeswalkers Top 10
Nat Almeida
Have you ever heard of split second? In this article, you'll find the top 10 best spells with split ...
split second commander top 10
Between the inclusion of Universes Beyond, the increase in expansions released in a year and making ...
Standard Universes Beyond Opinion
In this article, we gathered 20 board wipes that are perfect for your decks!
mtg boardwipes top
Do you like building decks with more than one color, and are constantly looking for the best removal...
top removals multicolor commander
With the introduction of three Universes Beyond sets in 2025, Magic could change its sense of identi...
Opinion Universes Beyond
In this article, I'll show you the top 10 cutest cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG universe.
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Top 10
Have you ever taken a closer look at colorless cards? They go way beyond just mana rocks: there are ...
top removals colorless commander
In this article, I'll show you the 10 best Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards that force the player to pay life poi...
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Top 10 LP Cost
With no competitive support on 2025, Pioneer is now closer to the late Extended than to other format...
Pioneer Competitive Opinion
In this article, check out the 10 best Pokémon with zero attack cost!
top Pokémon TCG
In this article, we list the ten worst card designs in Magic: The Gathering, whether because they cr...
Top 10 Worst Designs TMG
Check out below the worst Tools ever created in Pokémon TCG. Many of them have terrible effects that...
Pokémon TCG Trainer History