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Eternal Deck Guide - Samira Seraphine: The Powerhouse in Eternal!

Eternal Deck Guide - Samira Seraphine: The Powerhouse in Eternal!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

The Eternal format is being dominated by one of the most consistent combo lists of all time, Samira ...

guide eternal competitive

Legends of Runeterra Eternal Open - All 3 Winner Lineups

Legends of Runeterra Eternal Open - All 3 Winner Lineups


The first Legends of Runeterra Eternal Open Tournament happened over this weekend, June 9th and 10th...

news runeterra open competitive eternal

Eternal Deck Guide: Nasus Thresh - Strong at all Times!

Eternal Deck Guide: Nasus Thresh - Strong at all Times!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the most played list in the Eternal Format, Nasus Thresh. This deck h...

guide decktech eternal

Concurrent Timelines is Hotfixed Ahead of the Eternal Runeterra Open

Concurrent Timelines is Hotfixed Ahead of the Eternal Runeterra Open


After two weeks of terror in the Eternal meta, a hotfix has come to save the day just before the big...

news hotfix lor competitive

Eternal Format: Lineups for the June 10th Runeterra Open

Eternal Format: Lineups for the June 10th Runeterra Open

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll build a few lineups for the June 10th Runeterra Open, which will be played in ...

guide competitive lineups eternal

LoR: Patch Notes 4.5.0 Review, Tips + 7 Decks for Eternal

LoR: Patch Notes 4.5.0 Review, Tips + 7 Decks for Eternal


In this article, we comment on the changes on Patch 4.5.0, and we'll give some tips on which decks t...

eternal decks patch review

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023


Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...

news standard eternal competitive

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats


Temporary Lockdown is one of the most powerful cards revealed in Dominaria United so far, and it has...

analysis dominaria card

Next Secret Lair will have cards never printed before legal in Eternal formats

Next Secret Lair will have cards never printed before legal in Eternal formats


The Secret Lair X The Walking Dead product will be released on October 4th and will have cards never...

pauper legacy commander edh

Companions appear in Challenger's Top 8 of all eternal formats

Companions appear in Challenger's Top 8 of all eternal formats


Companions were present in the top positions of all challengers this weekend.


Stax at Commander - Brago, King Eternal

Stax at Commander - Brago, King Eternal

Thiago Fogaça

I decided to take the Eldraine theme to talk about another king who, in my opinion, translates exact...

deck tech cedh

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