Heroes of StarCraft is Hearthstone's most recent mini-set! It was released on January 21st and added 49 cards to the game. Since then, new decks came along, and some of them became incredibly popular, like Protoss Mage. We finally have a Mage list that doesn't lean on Elementals, like the many other lists that dominated this class in the last few months!
We, at Cards Realm, tested out Protoss Mage so we could show you exactly how to play it. Check it out!
Protoss Mage
As the name suggests, Protoss Mage plays many Protoss cards that interact with one another. For instance, Artanis, Shield Battery, and Photon Cannon discount the cost of other Protoss cards, but a few other cards create resources and include other bonuses.

Many cards in this list, particularly the win conditions, are more expensive and usually only go in play in the last few rounds. So, Protoss Mage also brings Freeze and cards that give your hero more armor. The goal is to control the game as much as you can.
This list mostly includes spells, but the few minions it does include create even more resources: Tidepool Pupil and Dryscale Deputy.

Your Protoss minions are Void Ray and Colossus. They're even better if you play cards like Artanis and Photon Cannon before you play them.

The main goal is to stall the game as much as you can. Sleet Skater and Bob the Bartender, therefore, are critical, as they both Freeze enemies. Bob, in particular, is incredibly flexible because he lets you pick several Battlegrounds actions.

Most of your spells also control the board or your opponent, like Soulfreeze, Shield Battery, Photon Cannon, and Resonance Coil.

You'll also need to create resources, either by drawing or Discovering more cards. Void Scripture, Rewind, Infinitize the Maxitude, and Chrono Boost will do that for you.

Besides these cards, this deck also plays Primordial Glyph, which not only Discovers a spell, but also discounts its cost.

If you manage to get more resources and discount their cost, you'll be able to play more cards, and, in turn, make The Ceaseless Expanse cheaper and cheaper. It will be a viable option in the late game.
Win Condition
This deck's win conditions are its most expensive minions. Colossus can defeat your opponent all on its own, considering its effect activates twice and gets better whenever you play a Protoss card. We can easily deal 20 or more damage with just one copy of this card (and keep in mind we bring two of them in this list).

As for The Ceaseless Expanse, it doesn't deal as much damage as the card above, but, if you use it to answer a big enemy board, your opponent will often simply concede. You'll have a 15/15 minion, and they'll have nothing, so they'll most likely not be able to get back in the game after that.

Mulligan - Starting Hand
Of course, though they are your win condition, Colossus and The Ceaseless Expanse should never be in your starting hand. You'll only use these resources in the last few rounds.
The goal is to get spells that stall the game early on, and Tidepool Pupil so you can get more spells. This card is also great if you need to grow your board and block a few enemy minions.

Dryscale Deputy is also great in your mulligan. It does the same thing as Tidepool Pupil: block enemy minions and create another spell.

Against Aggro decks, just follow the usual game plan. Mulligan as usual, and try to remove as many enemy minions as you can. Try to get removals when you Discover spells. If you follow these tips, you won't have any issues.
In the last few rounds, Colossus and The Ceaseless Expanse will win the game for you, so don't worry about dealing any sort of damage early on. Just try to survive.

Against Control lists, you can keep a few cards with Discover instead of Freezes and removals. This way, you'll have enough resources to deal with any enemy threat in the late game.

Final Words
Protoss Mage is simple and functional, as well as a different Spell Mage deck than what we were used to, which makes this card a lot more versatile and diverse.
I hope this article helped you learn more about Protoss Mage.
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Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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