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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Seb McKinnon shared his inspirations for the arts of Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths on his twitter
The set is already 2 months old, how did it impact each format?
Following guidelines from local governments on best practices in combating COVID-19
It is not possible to store your deck with sleeves
The Jeskai Breach deck can be a great bet for your next Modern Grand Prix
Deck tech
The set has already 1 month of competitive play, how did it impact each format?
For this specific case we reviewed the metagame of each format in the last 15 days.
In today's article we will talk about the resurgence of blue decks in the format
Thiago Fogaça
How to develop the characteristics of a good general and take them to the next level
deck tech cedh
A throwback to the forts every child made with their pillows and blankets
A large pool of cards selected for the purposes of playing a limited game
We have some ideas of decks and cards that are likely to be played
Vinicius Sorin
Upgrades for your populate deck!
CEDH C19 Deck Tech
Upgrades Tips for Your Madness Deck
C19 Deck tech CEDH