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Magic: the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Tiago Fuguete
In this article, I review the current Pauper Metagame in 2023 and prepare a Top 10 with the best dec...
Pauper Best Decks 2023
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, you'll learn how to play with one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewardin...
guide decktech standard
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's delve deep into Azalea's precon, with a deck tech and a guide on how to up...
FaB Azalea Blitz Deck Guide
Finally, more details were released regarding MagicCon Barcelona's Mystery Boxes. This exclusive pro...
news magic market exclusive
A guide on how to improve the precon Call for Backup deck, changing a few cards and keeping its esse...
Upgrades Precon Commander
Marcos Sobral
Come meet and learn how to use a strong deck, which came to shake up the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's Metagame
Yu-Gi-Oh! Superheavy Samurai Deck Guide
A new research just crunched the numbers for all popular paper TCGs and measured how much they cost ...
news competitive Pokémon tcg market
Nat Almeida
Let's talk about one of the most well-known tribes: the Goblins. Read this article to learn a little...
Goblin Lore Tribes
In this article, you'll see a Lurk guide. Pyke and Rek'Sai are having a lot of success among players...
aggro reksai pyke lurk
Sultai Shadow is a new variant of Death's Shadow decks in Modern, and looks to take advantage of Inv...
Shadow Sultai Modern Deck Guide
A popular Duel Links streamer has just been banned by Konami for allegedly leaking privileged conten...
news yu-gi-oh streamer leak banlist
Pedro Braga
With Oathbreaker being recognized as an official Magic format, many asked themselves, "What are the ...
Oathbreaker Decks
Rodrigo William
Come and see some of the work of the most iconic Pokémon TCG illustrators, their history and careers...
PokémonTCG Illustrators Art
This article explores the UK bingo sites not found on Gamstop and their advantages, such as no depos...
gamstop bingo sites
Cards Realm
Learn about how blackjack came to rise among the aristocratic French set to now become available any...
cards games online casino gaming
This article discusses the best CS:GO skins for female players, highlighting both the most fashionab...
Counter-Strike girls gameplay CS:GO skins
Two of the most valuable Pokémon cards to buy today are Charizard and Blastoise. They feature powerf...
Board Games cards games video game
Sims’ top tips on how to make a date wonderful: Learn the right conversation starters, plan ahead, b...
Entertaining Dating Sims simulators