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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Christopher Anderson
In this article, I'll explore Cryptid's mechanics and gameplay, and give you some tips on how to pla...
board game cryptid mechanic teaching
Rodrigo William
Check out our article with the top 10 most beautiful cards in Temporal Forces. These artworks are in...
PokémonTCG Temporal Forces Arts
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Legends of Runeterra's new rotation is here! As usual, we'll review all cards that will rotate out o...
opinion review standard
We listed the top 10 best Snorlax in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene and E...
Kanto Snorlax TCG
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll analyze Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's April 2024 banlist, which will be legal from April 15t...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Banlist
In today's article, we'll analyze the best cards from the newest Magic: The Gathering set, Outlaws o...
commander best cards edh
We listed the top 10 best Kangaskhan in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene an...
Kanto Kangaskhan TCG
Pacto das Guildas
Outlaws of Thunder Junction is coming! In today's article, I'll analyze the best common cards from t...
Pauper OTJ Review
In today's article, we evaluate the ten best cards and Outlaws of Thunder Junction for Magic Arena's...
Outlaws Review Explorer
In today's article, I'll analyze the new Magic: The Gathering set, Outlaws of Thunder Junction, and ...
Standard OTJ Review
We've left the streets of Ravnica and went straight to the Thunder Junction deserts, where outlaws b...
Legacy thunder junction review otj
In today's article, we review the best cards from Magic's new expansion, Outlaws of Thunder Junction...
Outlaws Pioneer Review
In today's article, we rank the ten best cards from Outlaws of Thunder Junction and its sub-sets, Th...
Timeless Review Outlaws
We listed the top 10 best Ninetales in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene and...
Kanto Ninetales TCG
In today's article, we review the ten best cards from Magic's hundredth expansion, Outlaws of Thunde...
Outlaws Modern Review
Check out the best cards from Scarlet & Violet's 5th base set. We listed the top 10 best Pokémon fro...
TCG Standard Temporal Forces
We listed the top 10 best Arcanine in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scene and ...
Kanto Arcanine TCG
Cards Realm
Discover the top 10 online casinos, favored by Filipinos. These legal best online gambling sites Phi...
gambling Philippines best iGaming