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FFXIV: Naoki Yoshida received the Lifetime Achievement Award, here's why!

FFXIV: Naoki Yoshida received the Lifetime Achievement Award, here's why!


Naoki Yoshida was honored during BGS 2023 for his contributions to the gaming industry. In this arti...

BGS 2023 Brazil FFXIV

Pokémon and Van Gogh: Partnership celebrates 50 years of museum!

Pokémon and Van Gogh: Partnership celebrates 50 years of museum!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Van Gogh Museum and The Pokémon Company form a partnership to celebrate the museum's 50th anniversar...

pokemon vangogh museu celebracao

Standard Deck Tech: Chien-Pao ex

Standard Deck Tech: Chien-Pao ex

Rodrigo William

Keep up with the Chien Pao ex deck, with its freezing strength, with which you'll use the resource o...

Standard Chien-Pao Treasure of Ruin

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Pure Paladin

Hearthstone Deck Guide: Pure Paladin


Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...

Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin

LoR: Patch Notes 4.5.0 Review, Tips + 7 Decks for Eternal

LoR: Patch Notes 4.5.0 Review, Tips + 7 Decks for Eternal


In this article, we comment on the changes on Patch 4.5.0, and we'll give some tips on which decks t...

eternal decks patch review

Standard Deck Guide: Maokai Nautilus Deep - Top 1 of the Ranked Ladder

Standard Deck Guide: Maokai Nautilus Deep - Top 1 of the Ranked Ladder

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll learn how to play one of the oldest archetypes of all time: Deep! This arche...

guide deep lor

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

Rafael de Melo

In today's article I bring Dash's Classic Constructed Deck Tech, showing its various game possibilit...

FaB Flesh and Blood Dash Classic Constructed

Economy - Marvel Snap & Legends of Runeterra: What is the truth?

Economy - Marvel Snap & Legends of Runeterra: What is the truth?

Tony Lucas

In this article I talk about my experience with Marvel Snap, I talk about the "rivalry" between Snap...

OpiniãoSnap Economy LoR

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023


Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...

news standard eternal competitive

Deck Guide: Lulu Jinx Brings in Crazyness and Explosions

Deck Guide: Lulu Jinx Brings in Crazyness and Explosions


Yangzera delves deep analyzing Lulu Jinx and comments on how to be successful with the best Aggro de...

Jinx Lulu Aagro Biggledust Mecha-Yordle

Upgrading Commander Precon: Chaos Incarnate (Kardur, Doomscourge)

Upgrading Commander Precon: Chaos Incarnate (Kardur, Doomscourge)


Today we analyze the Commander Starter Deck, Chaos Incarnate, and bring a guide on how to upgrade it...

Commander Precon Upgrades

Deck Tech: Maokai Norra - Perfect Synergy

Deck Tech: Maokai Norra - Perfect Synergy

Tony Lucas

Learn how to pilot one of the most fun and surprising decks of the expansion! Norra and Maokai have ...

competitive decktech

Deck Guide: Bard Illaoi - The Chiming Tentacles!

Deck Guide: Bard Illaoi - The Chiming Tentacles!


In this article I will explain a bit about how to understand, play and dominate the ranked ladder wi...

deck guide competitive bard illaoi

Magic: How to identify the set of older cards

Magic: How to identify the set of older cards

João "Paredeebranca"

Learn how to identify the right edition of older Magic: the Gathering cards.

oldschool frame 93-94

Deck Tech: Nami Twisted Fate, stand as a proud tide caller!

Deck Tech: Nami Twisted Fate, stand as a proud tide caller!

Capitão Serket

An amazing list that showed up recently, it holds off pretty good in the early game and finishes wit...

competitive Runeterra

Deck Tech: Twisted Fate and Annie - A deck that beats and controls!

Deck Tech: Twisted Fate and Annie - A deck that beats and controls!

Capitão Serket

If you like dealing Nexus damage and cleaning the board at the same time, this deck is for you. Twis...

Competitive Meta Tempo

The impact of Patch 3.10 - The most incredible and gamechanging patch in LoR

The impact of Patch 3.10 - The most incredible and gamechanging patch in LoR

Capitão Serket

A lot of things happened, and Runeterra will change to the tune of this new Patch. A lot of new deck...

Patch 3.10 Skins Legends of Runeterra

Games Based on Egyptian Mythology

Games Based on Egyptian Mythology

Cards Realm

Discover the enchanting world of ancient Egypt through these exhilarating video games that bring to ...

games video Mythology Egyption pharaohs

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