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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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In today's article, I evaluate the ten cards that I consider the most important in Dominaria United ...
explorer review dominaria united
Felipe Torres
A selection of the best cards in Dominaria United for Competitive Commander and how they can impact ...
Top 10 cEDH Dominaria United
Rodrigo William
Here are 10 most valuable Shiny Pokémon cards so far in 2022, since the beginnings of Pokémon expans...
Pokémon shiny top 10
See the most valued Full Art cards to date in 2022, ahead of the Lost Origin expansion's release.
PokémonTCG value
Tony Lucas
With the arrival of LoR's first exclusive champion, a sea of possibilities has opened up. In this ar...
champions theories launches
We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...
legacy 10 staples
The Standard rotation is approaching, and in today's article I present ten cards with enough potenti...
standard top 10 rotation
Lucas Santana
Which were the most memorable sets from Magic: The Gathering? In this article, I present the ten mos...
lore top 10 sets
Check out 10 new decks with the new Legends of Runeterra champions.
gwen evelynn kai’sa lor forcesfrombeyond deck
Pedro Braga
In this Top 10 for Commander, we will see some of the most insane creatures with the weirdest abilit...
top 10 commander
Let's break through the 25th season of the cheapest format to play on MTGO and understand the main d...
mtgo penny dreadful metagame budget
We will see the ten most useful cards of the special expansion of Pokémon GO TCG, mainly considering...
pokemonGO tcg competitive
In this article, you will see the 10 most valuable cards from Pokémon GO TCG so that you are familia...
cards value pokemonGO tcg
Capitão Serket
A lot of things happened, and Runeterra will change to the tune of this new Patch. A lot of new deck...
Patch 3.10 Skins Legends of Runeterra
In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Fusion Strike!
pokemon tcg cards fusion strike
In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Brilliant Stars, and the reasons a...
Pokémon staples collection brilliant stars
In this article, we mention the ten most valuable cards so far from the set Astral Radiance, along w...
pokemon astral radiance pokemonTCG
Have you ever wondered where the biggest casinos in the world are? As shocking as it may be, Las Veg...
casinos biggest world