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Pacto das Guildas
Faeries are once again popular in Pauper, so, in today's article, we decided to explore a different ...
Pauper deck tech competitive sideboard guide
In today's article, we'll go through a list I played in the second season of the Roraima Pauper Leag...
pauper deck tech side guide competitive
Faeries are still lurking around Pauper! Dimir Faeries is arguably the most popular version nowadays...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
Pauper's metagame has changed a lot since Commander Legends. In today's article, I'll discuss a deck...
In this article, I will dissect Pauper's Mono Blue Faeries, a great deck to deal with the current Me...
Pauper MTGO Deck Guide Delver
Tiago Fuguete
Today's analysed deck is Izzet Faeries, which controls the game while taking advantage of the Monar...
izzet faeries deck guide pauper
Faeries are present in countless tales we know and in the folklore and mythology of some countries. ...
Tribal Faeries lore
If Faeries is Pauper's best deck, what strategies can we use to exploit its weaknesses, and which de...
faeries pauper analysis metagam
In this article, I explain why Faeries will (almost) always be Pauper's best deck.
faeries pauper metagame
Carlos BeicodeGeia
This guide covers game techniques for Dimir Faeries, from posture tips in each match, as well as a s...
pauper faeries challenge