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The new set decklists present four new commanders and strong cards that may see play in eternal form...
edh commander afr
Felipe Torres
Today I present you my review of the most powerful and curious cards from Adventures in the Forgotte...
review edh d&d commander
First impressions of the Adventures in the Forgottem Realms mechanics and its impact on Draft and Se...
mtg limited d&d draft
Eduardo Silveira
Today we'll venture into a deck with plenty of potential to be quick and aggressive, featuring one o...
edh commander budget d&d
This week, we can see Modern is still evolving, while we have some new Legacy lists and Pauper despe...
analysis metagame
This article brings a budget version of the cEDH Tasigur, the Golden Fang's decklist!
cEDH tasigur control
In today's article, we take an initial look at the Dungeon mechanics, speculating what it needs to s...
d&d analysis dungeon standard
Today we're going to meet a fun deck, it has direct damage with a lot of offensive potential and gre...
EDH commander budget
Antonio Carlos
In this article, I'll talk about the rulings for altered cards and proxies on sanctioned events.
judge rules proxy alter
Pedro Braga
An article about Modern Horizons II's white cards for Modern.
modern mh2 white best
This article presents some new cards from Modern Horizons II and how they may impact competitive Com...
edh cedh commander mh2
The deck represents over 35% of the Metagame of the Historic portion of the championship that takes ...
historic championship strixhaven arena
Vamos a conocer un deck de mill, en que hay interacciones de cementerio, ¡y esta es una excelente o...
budget commander cmd entrada
The synopsis has been revealed and will tell the story of a group of adventurers seeking revenge aft...
news dnd movie
Thiago NileDeath
This article brings an updated guide for Sultai Ultimatum, Standard's current most played deck!
deck tech sideguide standard sultai arena
¡Es momento de aprender algunas lecciones sobre la escuela más agresiva de Strixhaven!
mtg limited draft strixhaven arena
The company will also be adopting new measures to help promote the WPN stores.
news covid wizards reopen
The booster packages include squirrels and the possible return of a certain legendary creature!
news modern.horizons