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Secret Lair x SpongeBob: Cards and Release Date Revealed!

Secret Lair x SpongeBob: Cards and Release Date Revealed!


The Secret Lair x SpongeBob will be divided into three different drops and features iconic character...

notícia SecretLair BobEsponja

Commander Deck Tech: Edward Kenway

Commander Deck Tech: Edward Kenway

Nat Almeida

In this article, let's explore the open seas with Edward Kenway and his fleet of Pirates and Vehicle...

decktech commander assassin'screed pirate

Archazia's Island: Updated decks with Lorcana's newest set!

Archazia's Island: Updated decks with Lorcana's newest set!

Antonio Carlos

With the upcoming new set, Archazia's Island, let's review and update a few decks that received some...

disney lorcana archazia decks

Legacy - Theorycrafting the possible March bannings and unbannings!

Legacy - Theorycrafting the possible March bannings and unbannings!


Banlist update at the end of the month means a month of theories! This time, there's no clear target...

Legacy Ban Unban Speculation

Yu-Gi-Oh! Guide: TCG, OCG, Master Duel, Speed Duel, and Rush Duel!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Guide: TCG, OCG, Master Duel, Speed Duel, and Rush Duel!

Marcos Sobral

In today's article, we'll go through each Yu-Gi-Oh game, including the TCG, OCG, Master Duel, Speed ...

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG OCG MasterDuel SpeedDuel RushDuel

Standard Deck Tech: Hop's Zacian ex & Archaludon ex - Theories and Possibilities

Standard Deck Tech: Hop's Zacian ex & Archaludon ex - Theories and Possibilities

Rodrigo William

In today's article, we'll explore a list with one of the most anticipated Pokémon from Journey Toget...

PokémonTCG Journey Together Standard Zacian

Budget EDH Deck Tech: Rhoda and Timin - Control the Board!

Budget EDH Deck Tech: Rhoda and Timin - Control the Board!

João "Jam" Barros

Do you like controlling who attacks and when, even more so if it's with a Voltron strategy? Then, th...

deck tech Commander Budget

Set Review: be quick and identify the sets!

Set Review: be quick and identify the sets!

Cesar Cusin

A real-time game that will test your logical thinking and visual perception by detecting patterns. T...

set boardgame

Flesh and Blood - March 4th Banlist Review: Many Changes for Blitz and Commoner!

Flesh and Blood - March 4th Banlist Review: Many Changes for Blitz and Commoner!

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, let's go through the March 4th banlist update, which significantly changed Blitz...

banlist review LL Commoner Blitz Viserai

Expanded Deck Tech (Rogue): Grimmsnarl VMax - Darkness Retribution

Expanded Deck Tech (Rogue): Grimmsnarl VMax - Darkness Retribution

Rodrigo William

Today, let's explore an Expanded list with the forgotten Grimmsnarl VMax, and Sword & Shield: Darkne...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Grimmsnarl Deck Tech Rogue

Legacy: Rakdos Goblins - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Rakdos Goblins - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


Goblins are back! The most popular creature type in Magic: The Gathering came back on turbocharged A...

legacy deck tech sideboard guide rakdos

Standard Deck Tech: Dragapult ex - EUIC Senior Champion (London - 2025)

Standard Deck Tech: Dragapult ex - EUIC Senior Champion (London - 2025)

Rodrigo William

In this article, we'll take a look at the deck played by the 2025 EUIC Senior Champion, Gabriel Fern...

Pokémon TCG EUIC Standard Senior Winner

Standard: 5 Budget Decks to Play Best of One

Standard: 5 Budget Decks to Play Best of One


In this article, we present five budget deck options for playing Best of One matches in Magic Arena!

Standard MTGArena Bo1 Budget

Scarlet & Violet: Journey Together Review (Products, Cards, and Spoilers!)

Scarlet & Violet: Journey Together Review (Products, Cards, and Spoilers!)

Rodrigo William

In today's article, we'll explore Scarlet & Violet's new base set, the ninth set in the block. This ...

Pokémon TCG Journey Together Review Standard

An In-depth Comparison Between Online Roulette and Card Games

An In-depth Comparison Between Online Roulette and Card Games

Daniel Linhares

One big appeal of online gambling is the availability of numerous games. A typical casino offers tho...


Card Games as a Gateway to Understanding Probability and Odds

Card Games as a Gateway to Understanding Probability and Odds

Daniel Linhares

This article explores how card games serve as a gateway to mastering probability, offering practical...


The Most Valuable Trading Cards Ever Sold

The Most Valuable Trading Cards Ever Sold

Daniel Linhares

The world of sports trading cards has exploded in popularity and value in recent years. Every day, t...


Mastering the Mental Game: Psychological Strategies in Baccarat and Competitive Card Play

Mastering the Mental Game: Psychological Strategies in Baccarat and Competitive Card Play

Daniel Linhares

This article explores key psychological strategies that apply to both baccarat and competitive card ...


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