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Spoiler Highlight: Show and Tell, Gamble & Spell Snare on Timeless!

Spoiler Highlight: Show and Tell, Gamble & Spell Snare on Timeless!


All cards from the Murders at Karlov Manor's Special Guests series will be available in Magic Arena....

Temeless Arena Spoiler

Explorer: 10 Best Lost Caverns of Ixalan cards for the format!

Explorer: 10 Best Lost Caverns of Ixalan cards for the format!


In this article, we evaluate the ten best cards from Magic's new expansion, Lost Caverns of Ixalan, ...

Explorer MTGArena Ixalan Review

Standard: 5 Budget Decks to start in Magic Arena

Standard: 5 Budget Decks to start in Magic Arena


In this article, we present five budget decks to start playing the Standard format in Magic Arena!

Standard Budget Decks

MTG Arena Economy Guide: Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices.

MTG Arena Economy Guide: Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices.


This comprehensive guide provides detailed information about the MTG Arena 2023 economy, including s...

Economy Arena MTG MTG 2023

Historic Brawl: 10 Best Decks to play the format!

Historic Brawl: 10 Best Decks to play the format!

Igor D. Faria

This article discusses the best decks to play in the Historic Brawl format in Arena, explaining a li...

Arena Historic Brawl Best Decks

Ranked on MTGArena: What it is, how it works and how to level up!

Ranked on MTGArena: What it is, how it works and how to level up!


In this article, I'll talk about ranked mode in MTG Arena - what it is, how it works, what are the t...

Ranked MTGArena Guide

Explorer Review - 10 Best Cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath

Explorer Review - 10 Best Cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath


In today's article, we evaluate the top ten cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath for the E...

Explorer Review The Aftermath MTGArena

Standard: 5 Decks with March of the Machine

Standard: 5 Decks with March of the Machine

Pacto das Guildas

March of the Machine has arrived, and it has revealed many cards with potential for Standard. In tod...

Standard Decklists MOM Arena

Explorer Review: 10 Best Cards of March of the Machine

Explorer Review: 10 Best Cards of March of the Machine


In today's article, I comment on the ten best cards from March of the Machine for Explorer!

Explorer MTGArena MTGMOM Review

Explorer: 5 Budget Multicolored Decks for Best of One

Explorer: 5 Budget Multicolored Decks for Best of One


In today's article, we present five budget decklists with two or more colors in Explorer, cover thei...

Explorer Budget Arena Multicolored

Magic Arena Draft Guide: Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered

Magic Arena Draft Guide: Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered

Dereck Duque Estrada

In this article, we will cover the main archetypes, the best common and uncommons and removals for t...

Limited Arena Draft Innistrad

What is the future of MTG Arena? MTG Devs provide insight

What is the future of MTG Arena? MTG Devs provide insight


A recent interview by Design Manager Ian Adams and Sr. Game Designer Jiachen "JC" Tao from the Arena...

News mtg arena

Magic Arena: Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered Review

Magic Arena: Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered Review


Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered comes to Magic Arena on March 21, bringing new cards to Explorer a...

Shadows Over Innistrad Review Magic Arena

All we know about MTG's Hot Pocket promo: Interview with Hot Pockets!

All we know about MTG's Hot Pocket promo: Interview with Hot Pockets!


Delicious Hot Pockets hit the shelves with the faces of your favorite characters, promising in-game ...

news hot pocket mtg promo arena

Explorer:  5 Decks with Phyrexia: All Will be One

Explorer: 5 Decks with Phyrexia: All Will be One

Pacto das Guildas

Phyrexia: All Will Be One brought good additions to Explorer. In this article, I will explore five c...

Phyrexia Explorer MTGArena

Patch 25.4: Hearthstone's New Update brings New Cards, Mechanics and more!

Patch 25.4: Hearthstone's New Update brings New Cards, Mechanics and more!


Hearthstone's new update comes in with 38 new cards from the mini-set, "Return to Naxxaramas", updat...

news hearthstone mini-set arena

Explorer: Abzan Greasefang Deck Tech (Best of One)

Explorer: Abzan Greasefang Deck Tech (Best of One)


Able to win the game as early as the third turn, Abzan Greasefang is one of the most consistent Best...

Abzan Greasefang Explorer Arena

Escape from Tarkov: Arena - Beginner's Tips and Overview

Escape from Tarkov: Arena - Beginner's Tips and Overview

Cards Realm

Escape from Tarkov: Arena is a thrilling multiplayer first-person shooter game, and this article pro...

video game Tarkov tips shooter multiplayer

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