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Take a look at our guide on how to upgrade one of the Outlaws of Thunder Junction precon Commander d...
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João "Jam" Barros
With Hearthstone celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2024, we decided to revisit some of its histor...
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In today's article, we'll show you how to upgrade the newest precon Commander deck from Outlaws of T...
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Pedro Braga
In this article, we'll revisit some old cards and wonder what was going on with designers back then!
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Banning All That Glitters was more than expected for Pauper, but what does it tell us about its need...
Pauler Banlist Opinion
In the new banned and restricted update, Wizards announced the banning of All That Glitters from Pau...
Banlist Pauper
The first Universes Beyond in 2024 is finally here, and this time we'll travel to the Fallout univer...
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, one of my best friends, "AerosMacCousland" (and one of the best Ephemeral players),...
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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll analyze one of the most promising decks for the new meta: Teklovossen. Let...
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Today, we bring you a guide on how to upgrade Revenant Recon, the Murders at Karlov Manor precon dec...
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In today's article, we look at the new Atarka Red version of the Pioneer with Slickshot Show-Off and...
Pioneer Deck Guide Atarka Red
In this article, we'll show 3 rising lists from the ranked queue that bring Erastin, the Disgraced -...
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In today's article, let's discuss hatchet-based Dorinthea - the Los Angeles Pro Tour finalist. We'll...
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Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Pokémon-themed social casinos, where Pokéballs me...
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Do you envy the shredded guys you see in the gym everyday? With a bit of determination and focus, yo...
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Las tragamonedas cuentan con un largo historial en el que se han extendido bulos que hoy recaen sobr...
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Discover strategies for winning big in Bitcoin casino games. Learn about odds, game selection, betti...
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