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Marvel Snap: 5 Decks to get Cubes fast!

Marvel Snap: 5 Decks to get Cubes fast!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the 5 decks with the highest cubes per match rates. Here, besides you...

guide cubes marvel snap

Expanded Deck Tech: Regidrago VStar + ADP + M. Charizard X EX

Expanded Deck Tech: Regidrago VStar + ADP + M. Charizard X EX

Rodrigo William

Get to know this deck, which is quite versatile: it has massive and aggressive damage up to 330, bei...

Regidrago Control Sniper

Pioneer Bant Spirits: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pioneer Bant Spirits: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Raphael Martinez

We'll speak thoroughly about Pioneer's more aggressive Spirits version, the version with the highest...

pioneer spirits deck tech sideguide

Best Valorant Skins in 2023

Best Valorant Skins in 2023

Pedro Fernandes

Do you want to buy a Valorant skin, but don't know which? Check out today the most beautiful skins w...

valorant skins vandal skins phantom skills

Azorius Metalwork Pioneer: Deck Tech and Sideboard Tips

Azorius Metalwork Pioneer: Deck Tech and Sideboard Tips

Raphael Martinez

We have here a good budget alternative to get into Pioneer. Metalwork Colossus is an aggressive deck...

deck tech pioneer

Pauper Metagame 2023: Dominating Decks

Pauper Metagame 2023: Dominating Decks


In this article, we'll analyze how Pauper is going this early 2023!

mtg pauper

Explorer: 5 Competitive Decks To Start Out in the Format

Explorer: 5 Competitive Decks To Start Out in the Format

Gabriel Almeida

Explorer is Magic Arena's eternal format which is "loyal" to the physical card game, that is, withou...

explorer magic arena decks competitive

Best Extra Deck Generic Monsters for Budget Players

Best Extra Deck Generic Monsters for Budget Players

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I'll recommend you good cheap monsters for you to use in your Extra Deck!

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Budget

Commander Deck Tech - Ruxa, Patient Professor

Commander Deck Tech - Ruxa, Patient Professor

Daniel Cataia

Even for those who think they aren't skilled enough, you only need a Patient Professor!

decktech ruxa vanilla

Rotation in LoR: What We Know So Far

Rotation in LoR: What We Know So Far


In this article, we will sum up what is rotation in card games, its pros and cons, how Riot intends ...

rotation lor meta

Pauper: Mardu Synthesizer Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mardu Synthesizer Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Is Mardu Synthesizer better than Boros on Pauper? Today, we'll analyze the deck and which are its pr...

Pauper Mardu Synthesizer Deck Guide

01/05 LoR Hotfix Analysis: Which Decks Are Strongest

01/05 LoR Hotfix Analysis: Which Decks Are Strongest

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

A hotfix has arrived, and if you're a bit lost regarding how the meta will be, come check out my art...

legends of runeterra hotfix meta

Expanded Deck Tech: Honchkrow-GX Control

Expanded Deck Tech: Honchkrow-GX Control

Rodrigo William

Meet the Honchkrow-GX deck for the Expanded format with a Control Deck theme, featuring card enhance...

PokémonTCG Control Honchkrow

Legacy Deck Tech: Azorius Auras

Legacy Deck Tech: Azorius Auras


In a format taken over by Initiative decks, Azorius Auras could be the ideal answer against Legacy's...

Legacy Auras Deck Tech

Expanded Deck Tech: Absol - Doom News

Expanded Deck Tech: Absol - Doom News

Rodrigo William

Discover the combination of Absol from Sun/Moon: Guardians Rising with Hydreigon from Sword/Shield: ...

Absol PokémonTCG Expanded

ARKHAM HORROR Review and Rules - Save the world from Nameless Monsters!

ARKHAM HORROR Review and Rules - Save the world from Nameless Monsters!


Cthulhu, Catulhu, Clutulu, Cleiton... He's on the prowl ready to emerge and dominate everyone and ev...


A Look at the Most Popular Blackjack Variations to Try Online

A Look at the Most Popular Blackjack Variations to Try Online


Featuring simple rules and a relatively low house advantage, Blackjack is a casino staple that appea...

blackjack variants

6 Mind Boggling Facts About Online Blackjack

6 Mind Boggling Facts About Online Blackjack


Is Blackjack your favourite casino game? Well, in that case, you would want to know some interesting...

blackjack online facts

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