Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rodrigo William
In today's article, we'll show you how this Slowking deck caught everyone by surprise in a Japanese ...
Pokémon TCG Standard Japan Slowking
Check out the Metagame and all the details of Pro Tour Aetherdrift, a competitive event taking place...
ProTour Aetherdrift Metagame
Check out this article for the main new features that Aetherdrift brought in its first week in the c...
Metagame Challenges Aetherdrift
Explore this Aggron VMax list that plays all the best Metal staples and is both extremely aggressive...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Aggron deck tech
With over a thousand players, the US Regional Championship solidified Underworld Breach decks as the...
Standard Modern Metagame
Pacto das Guildas
Aetherdrift is the next Magic: The Gathering set! In today's article, we'll discuss a few commons fr...
pauper competitive metagame dft
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll show you a few of the best anti-meta lists for Standard so you can stop losin...
opinion standard lor
In this article, we show eight competitive deck options to get you started playing Modern in 2025!
Modern Decks Metagame
With three Regional Championships and a dozen Challenges, the last week of January saw competitive M...
Metagame Analysis Modern Pauper Standard
In this article, we'll explore the most recent edition of the Aegis Monthly Tournament, the biggest ...
opinion standard competitive lor
December's gone and it took Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble with it. Now, a month later, let's check ...
Legacy Metagame Analysis
From Dimir Merfolks in Pioneer to the arrival of Overlord of the Balemurk in Legacy, the week leadin...
Metagame Challenges Top8
Mono-Red is one of the pillars of Pauper nowadays, and red, as a color, also has a rich history in t...
Pauper competitive metagame
Bounce decks continue to grow in Standard, and discussions around This Town Ain't Big Enough and its...
Metagame Standard Bounce
Antonio Carlos
In today's article, let's review everything about the NA Continental, the metagame, results, and how...
disney lorcana competitive metagame
Between Bounce being confirmed as the deck to beat in Standard, a new Simic Tempo in Pioneer, and th...
Metagame Challenges 2025
Modern Horizons 1, 2, & 3 and The Lord of the Rings were released with Modern in mind, but they also...
legacy metagame review
Check out the main news from the first competitive Magic events in 2025, which, in addition to the C...
Metagame 2025 Challenges