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Eternal Deck Tech - Elise Gnar: Know the Power of Zoo's Strength!

Eternal Deck Tech - Elise Gnar: Know the Power of Zoo's Strength!


Today's article was a joint effort between me and competitive player Peace about Elise Gnar. He crea...

Eternal competitive Open Deck

MTG Arena Economy Guide: Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices.

MTG Arena Economy Guide: Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices.


This comprehensive guide provides detailed information about the MTG Arena 2023 economy, including s...

Economy Arena MTG MTG 2023

Explorer: Mono-White Humans – Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Mono-White Humans – Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


In this article, we'll have a sideboard and a deck guide for Mono-White Humans in Explorer. Learn ho...

explorer Humans mono white deck guide

Top 15 Best Swords from Magic: The Gathering

Top 15 Best Swords from Magic: The Gathering


This article reviews the top 15 Swords from Magic: the Gathering, covering tips and strategies, as w...

Swords Top 15 Best

Ranked on MTGArena: What it is, how it works and how to level up!

Ranked on MTGArena: What it is, how it works and how to level up!


In this article, I'll talk about ranked mode in MTG Arena - what it is, how it works, what are the t...

Ranked MTGArena Guide

Magic The Gathering joins Summer Fest 2023's, the Biggest Gaming Event of the Year

Magic The Gathering joins Summer Fest 2023's, the Biggest Gaming Event of the Year


Magic: The Gathering joins the growing list of companies which will attend Summer Fest 2023, one of ...

news mtg summer fest e3

LoR for Beginners: Decks, Cheap options, ways to get better and the economy!

LoR for Beginners: Decks, Cheap options, ways to get better and the economy!


In this article, I'll suggest some decks for those taking their first steps in LoR and relate them t...

news competitive beginners

World Ender: Solving the Meta

World Ender: Solving the Meta


This article is aimed at presenting the situation regarding new champions and how the meta is shapin...

competitive expansion decks

Remembering Seasonal Tournaments: Decks and Highlights!

Remembering Seasonal Tournaments: Decks and Highlights!


In this article, we will review Seasonal history so far, and speak a bit about the winning line ups ...

competitive seasonal decks

Gwen Sejuani Deck Tech: Overwhelming your Opponents

Gwen Sejuani Deck Tech: Overwhelming your Opponents


Come discover a way to play Gwen using the same old Freljord veterans, in a quite aggressive Midrang...

guide midrange competitive sejuani

Card Draw in LoR by Region: Differences and Functioning!

Card Draw in LoR by Region: Differences and Functioning!


In this article we will talk about card draw in LoR and how this mechanic is distributed across all ...

curiosities ranking competitive

The Jund of the format  - definitive guide

The Jund of the format - definitive guide

David Royale

Today I bring to you the one and only guide on how to play Jund on pauper + sideboard!

pauper Deck Guide