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On August 7th, 2023, Wizards announced the changes in Legacy: No bannings. Mind's Desire unbanned. W...
Legacy desire unban
Commander Masters is coming, and, alongside the new set, new possibilities are here for Legacy. Let'...
commander masters legacy review
Death's Shadow has a big cavern Troll! The new version of this classic Dimir deck brings a new direc...
Legacy deck tech Death's Shadow lotr
The Lord of the Rings has arrived and left its mark on Legacy. How did the format's Metagame look af...
Legacy Metagame Review LotR
The One Ring is already a reality in Modern, but is now starting to exert its influence on Legacy as...
Legacy One Ring Combo Deck Guide
When you put a combo, with another combo, with a third combo, full of discards, ramp and cards to hi...
Legacy Deck Guide Mono Black
The Riders of Rohan have arrived in Legacy! In the name of the Monarch, they will take the Initiativ...
Legacy boros initiative eorlingas lotr
Let's see what the Middle-Earth characters bring to Legacy. The greatest fantasy story of all time h...
Review LotR Legacy
In this article, we are going to evaluate Orcish Bowmasters, which will make the opponent think twic...
LotR Legacy Review Highlight
Boromir may have failed to save the hobbits, but in Legacy he might as well save you! Check out Boro...
Boromir Legacy LOTR
Bant Control has been a recurring player in the Metagame since Uro was released. But this 4-color ve...
Legacy Deck Guide Atraxa Bant
Do Planeswalkers without a spark have what it takes to compete in Legacy? Let's go to the analysis o...
Legacy Review Aftermath
Riddlesmith Combo is a deck which allows exiling your entire deck to then cast Grapeshot to defeat y...
Legacy Riddlesmith Combo Deck Guide
The March of the Machines has begun! Let's take a look at what this expansion and its Battles bring ...
Legacy Review March of the Machine MTGMOM
Apparently, the rumors about the downfall of Undercity decks were unfounded. If you can't be Mono Wh...
Legacy Initiative Deck Guide
Let's paint the world Blue! And crush everything in our path! Painter is yet another deck that has m...
Legacy Painter Deck Guide
Festival of Legends has just been announced, and soon we'll have the latest Hearthstone set! In this...
Hearthstone interview set festival
Atraxa has found yet another home in the Legacy. Sneak n' Show is another archetype that gained an e...
Legacy Deck Tech Sneak Attack Show & Tell