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Budget cEDH Deck Guide: Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Budget cEDH Deck Guide: Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Felipe Torres

This article brings a budget version of the cEDH Tasigur, the Golden Fang's decklist!

cEDH tasigur control

Starting in Commander: Hallar, the Firefletcher

Starting in Commander: Hallar, the Firefletcher

Eduardo Silveira

Today we're going to meet a fun deck, it has direct damage with a lot of offensive potential and gre...

EDH commander budget

cEDH Budget Deck - Rashmi, Eternities Crafter

cEDH Budget Deck - Rashmi, Eternities Crafter


This article dissuss a decklist focused on control for Rashmi, Eternities Crafter, which can be a bu...

cedh budget control

Budget cEDH Deck - Prime Speaker Vannifar

Budget cEDH Deck - Prime Speaker Vannifar


This Article discuss a decklists focused on resilient combos for Prime Speaker Vannifar as a budget ...

Commander EDH Budget

MTG Tribal Apocalypse format completes 10 years of tournaments

MTG Tribal Apocalypse format completes 10 years of tournaments


What do you think about playing a format focused on tribal decks with free events and secondary goal...

Tribal budget mtgo

Budget Commander Deck - Blim, Comedic Genius

Budget Commander Deck - Blim, Comedic Genius


Do you want to play Commander, but the format seems too expensive to you? Come with me and I'll show...

Deck Tech Budget Commander EDH

Side by side: Building sideboards in Penny Dreadful

Side by side: Building sideboards in Penny Dreadful


In today's article we'll explore tips and the many pieces required for a good sideboard in Penny Dre...

penny budget

10 fun and competitive Pioneer decks that cost up to 10 TIX

10 fun and competitive Pioneer decks that cost up to 10 TIX


Here we have listed 10 decks with approximate cost of 10 TIX that are fun and competitive, so you ma...

pioneer budget

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!


In this article I will show you five affordable Modern decklists for Magic Online, in order to celeb...

Modern Budget MTGO Tech

Instant Chat - Red Deck Wins (RDW) Pauper, a Strong and Fun deck!

Instant Chat - Red Deck Wins (RDW) Pauper, a Strong and Fun deck!


Do you want a deck which is strong and fun to play Pauper? In this article, I present an interview w...

Pauper Interview Deck Tech Budget

A Penny's player Diary: Decklists of the Season's Start

A Penny's player Diary: Decklists of the Season's Start


We have started a new season in Penny Dreadful. How is it being developed? Which decks are dominatin...

Penny Budget

Budgeting Arena - Temur Elementals, an agressive deck with lots of value!

Budgeting Arena - Temur Elementals, an agressive deck with lots of value!


A tribal deck which is extremely aggressive and which can also ramp mana very quickly


Budgeting Arena - Mono Red Aggro: the return of one of the most explosive deck

Budgeting Arena - Mono Red Aggro: the return of one of the most explosive deck


With the release of Core Set 2021, we updated one of the most present decks in all formats: Mono Red...


Budgeting Arena - Temur Reclamation: one of the most fun and versatile combo

Budgeting Arena - Temur Reclamation: one of the most fun and versatile combo


A combo ramp deck that can cause a great amount of damage or even generate an army of creatures to a...


Budgeting Arena - Sultai Mutate: creature toolbox

Budgeting Arena - Sultai Mutate: creature toolbox


Let's explore this mechanic presented to us in Ikoria, and create value in a deck full of creatures.


Budgeting Arena - Gruul Aggro: Hammer Time!!

Budgeting Arena - Gruul Aggro: Hammer Time!!


Today we have an extremely aggressive deck, capable of ending the game in a few turns.


BUDGETING ARENA - Izzet Tempo Spells

BUDGETING ARENA - Izzet Tempo Spells


Today we have a deck that manages to control the game while attacking the opponent with increasing s...


BUDGETING ARENA - Obosh Sacrifice

BUDGETING ARENA - Obosh Sacrifice


Let's talk about a strong deck in the current metagame that has gained a strong ally, or in this cas...


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