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Deck Guide: Kai'sa and Evelynn - The return of a strong archetype

Deck Guide: Kai'sa and Evelynn - The return of a strong archetype

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the return of Kai'Sa into the meta, and the buffs to Evelynn's packag...

Guide decktech evelynn kai'sa

Top 5 Voltron Commanders for EDH

Top 5 Voltron Commanders for EDH


What is Voltron? And what are the best commanders for that? After analyzing the archetype, we bring ...

voltron Commander commander

01/05 LoR Hotfix Analysis: Which Decks Are Strongest

01/05 LoR Hotfix Analysis: Which Decks Are Strongest

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

A hotfix has arrived, and if you're a bit lost regarding how the meta will be, come check out my art...

legends of runeterra hotfix meta

Standard Deck Tech: Dewgong - Cheap deck with strong damage

Standard Deck Tech: Dewgong - Cheap deck with strong damage

Rodrigo William

Meet Dewgong, a cheap Single Prize deck that can deal up to 440 damage!

Standard Dewgong

Top 20 Strongest cards in the current Yu-Gi-Oh!

Top 20 Strongest cards in the current Yu-Gi-Oh!

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I present the 20 cards that I consider the strongest in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 20

Magic: The Gathering electronic games Review - 2009 to 2022

Magic: The Gathering electronic games Review - 2009 to 2022


In today's article, we'll continue our journey through the second part of video game history involvi...

MTG eletronic history review

Magic: The Gathering electronic games Review - 1997 to 2008

Magic: The Gathering electronic games Review - 1997 to 2008


In today's article, we explore the first part of the history of Magic: The Gathering's electronic ga...

Games MTG Review

Conquest: The format's strongest and most interesting decks

Conquest: The format's strongest and most interesting decks

Felipe Torres

In today's article, we talk about some of the best decks for Conquest, the new Commander variant!

edh conquest multiplayer

Modern: Mono-Green Tron and Timing

Modern: Mono-Green Tron and Timing

Gabriel Nunes

Tron is back into the Modern metagame. Today, we'll explore how it got back into the Challenges and ...

modern tron metagame

Metagame: Goblins in Pioneer, Tron back to Modern, Delverless Delver in Legacy

Metagame: Goblins in Pioneer, Tron back to Modern, Delverless Delver in Legacy


In this week's Metagame, we see Tron returning to Modern, Goblins making the Top 8 on Pioneer and Te...

analysis metagame pauper legacy pioneer moder

A Guide to Play with Modern Eldrazi Tron

A Guide to Play with Modern Eldrazi Tron


Mateus Fernandes qualified for the Strixhaven Championship on the Modern Super Qualifier, on which h...

Modern Mol Competitive Analysis Tron

Tron against Walls Pauper: A hard matchup, but not impossible

Tron against Walls Pauper: A hard matchup, but not impossible


We gathered some specialists from both Brazil and Italy to talk about Tron's Matchup against Walls!

Pauper Tron Walls

Side Tech + Side Guide: Pauper Flicker Tron

Side Tech + Side Guide: Pauper Flicker Tron


Sideboard tech and guide which completes the three-article series about Flicker Tron.

Sideboard Decktech Pauper

Deck Tech Flicker Tron Pauper

Deck Tech Flicker Tron Pauper


We will follow a sequence: deck story article, deck tech and side tech with side guide, with a total...


A Pauper deck's history: The Urza Tron

A Pauper deck's history: The Urza Tron


Starting another Pauper series, with the story of iconic decks of the format. Just scroll down and h...

Pauper History

Instant Chat - Red Deck Wins (RDW) Pauper, a Strong and Fun deck!

Instant Chat - Red Deck Wins (RDW) Pauper, a Strong and Fun deck!


Do you want a deck which is strong and fun to play Pauper? In this article, I present an interview w...

Pauper Interview Deck Tech Budget

Helpful Advice for Creating a Strong Application Essay for Nursing School

Helpful Advice for Creating a Strong Application Essay for Nursing School


In this piece, we will provide some advice on how to effectively compose an essay for nursing school...

nursing school advice essay

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