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The new Premier Play Announcement is here, and with it, a new updated calendar for all Flesh and Blo...
news competitive fab schedule
Marvel Snap biggest tournament to date happened this past weekend! The community-led initiative gath...
news competitive marvel snap top 8
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The complete Jax Ornn guide. Here you will learn the reason this list is dominating the ranked ladde...
guide riot lock ranked ornn jax
A Reddit user noticed a secret mechanic that was sneaked in a recent Patch. Take advantage of this n...
news mechanic lor
Several different bugs have been reported by players recently, including a client bug that completel...
news tft bugs
Pedro Braga
In this article, we will list the most common artifacts in the Commander format and their uses.
Commander Artifacts Beginners
Rodrigo William
Discover the ADP Tag Team GX with Dragonite V deck, which brings new uses of the tool Sky Seal Stone...
PokémonTCG ADP Dragonite Dragon
Rafael de Melo
In this article, I bring the most important cards of the Blitz and Classic Constructed formats, show...
Staples Flesh and Blood
New cards were revealed earlier this Friday.
news new cards yugioh nexus duelist
Legends of Runeterra's new format draws in feedback in the game's Beta Tournament Season. Players gi...
news lor daily rumbles feedback
The player used a very interesting list to reach the rank of Master for this season! Check out the f...
news competitive ranked
The February banlist brings numerous restrictions for the Tearlaments archetype and other meta cards...
news banlist tearlaments february yugioh
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...
competitive lor decks news
A small leak by a trusted dataminer might confirm nerfs to two more Marvel Snap cards.
nerfs leak marvelsnap
Get to know one of the best Expanded Control decks, which will make your opponents mad! We have here...
PokémonTCG Ghost Control
Will Phyrexians manage to invade Modern as well? Let's find out on our latest set review for Phyrexi...
Phyrexia Modern Review
Come revisit the story of one of the most consistent decks in all Legends of Runterra's history. Eve...
curiosities deck tech
Felipe Torres
Check out a selection of the best Phyrexia: All Will be One cards for the Competitive Commander !
cEDH Commander Phyrexia