Magic: the Gathering
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Flesh and Blood
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss Mulligan and stats, and at the same time, I'll try to teach you a bit...
guide rumble vayne lor
Tony Lucas
Thanos is dominating the Marvel Snap ladder and tournament meta and in this article I'm going to bre...
Deck Guide Thanos Pool 5
Festival of Legends has just been announced, and soon we'll have the latest Hearthstone set! In this...
Hearthstone interview set festival
Dereck Duque Estrada
Let's discuss the five most played decks in Standard post Phyrexia: All Will be One!
Standard One Metagame
Rodrigo William
Follow the farewell of a giant who debuted the concept of VMax cards at the beginning of Sword / Shi...
Standard Eternatus Deck Guide
Pedro Fernandes
Think you know everything about Fortnite? Come test your knowledge of the game by taking a quick and...
Fortnite Quiz
Lord of the Rings - Tales from Middle Earth had its first look earlier this week on an official broa...
news lord of the rings planeswalkers
This fan-made format focuses on planeswalkers as their deck's main strategy and requires a Signature...
news format oathbreaker
Izzet Creativity is the new Combo-Control that rose to prominence after Reid Duke won Pro Tour Phyre...
Pioneer Izzet Creativity Pro Tour
Check out here the most beautiful cards art that were featured in the block, regardless of whether t...
PokémonTCg Sword&Shield Top 10
André Marcus
Clear up all your questions about game mechanics and interaction rules, including the most advanced!
tutorial tips rules mechanics questions
This deck unites powerful attackers + spread damage strategy, with Mimikyu VMax and the iconic Espeo...
PokémonTCG SpreadDamage PsychicType
There are powerful commanders, but what about the bad ones? Check this article for a list of the wor...
Commander Ranking Worst Commanders
Check out in this article decks to play after the 2023 rotation, with the validation of "E" cards on...
PokémonTCG Rotation Decks
Atraxa has found yet another home in the Legacy. Sneak n' Show is another archetype that gained an e...
Legacy Deck Tech Sneak Attack Show & Tell
Check here the most valuable Gold Full Art cards of the Sword & Shield block for investments in comp...
PokémonTCG Sword&Shield
Are you looking for ways to master social media posts? If so, take a look at this guide for everythi...
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People love to play online casino games to amuse themselves and chill at home. Numerous players’ fav...
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