Pokemon TCG

Deck Guide

Expanded Deck Tech (Rogue): Grimmsnarl VMax - Darkness Retribution

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Today, let's explore an Expanded list with the forgotten Grimmsnarl VMax, and Sword & Shield: Darkness Ablaze's Hydreigon, whose ability is a sort of "Rain Dance" for Darkness energies!

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translated by Joey

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revised by Joey

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Table of contents

  1. > Introduction
  2. > Grimmsnarl VMax: Darkness Retribution
    1. Decklist
  3. > Deck Structure
    1. Grimmsnarl V & Grimmsnarl VMax
    2. Darkrai & Umbreon TAG TEAM-GX
    3. How To Play
    4. Recursive Pokémon
    5. Trainers
  4. > Pros and Cons
    1. Pros
    2. Cons
  5. > Final Words



In today's article, let's discuss Grimmsnarl VMax, a Galar Pokémon from Sword & Shield that was forgotten simply because it was never relevant in Standard.

However, this Expanded deck gets the most out of this Pokémon with the new cards from Scarlet & Violet. Particularly Darkness Pokémon like Fezandipiti ex, a card draw Pokémon, and Pecharunt ex, whose ability lets you switch your Pokémon but also Poisons the new active Pokémon. Don't worry, though: we'll play around this effect with Binding Mochi.


Let's see how this deck works!

Grimmsnarl VMax: Darkness Retribution


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Deck Structure

Grimmsnarl V & Grimmsnarl VMax

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These Pokémon are quite simple.

Grimmsnarl V SHF SV116's main attack is Spiky Knuckle, which deals 200 damage, but returns two Basic Darkness Energy SFA 98 attached to it back to your hand. This effect lets you keep your resources even if your opponent Knocks it Out, as you can use these energies later on with Hydreigon PR-SW SWSH037's ability.

As for Grimmsnarl VMAX SHF SV117, it has one attack, G-Max Drill, which deals more damage according to how many Darkness energies are attached to it. However, there is a limit: it'll deal, at most, 100 extra damage!

This means that, besides the three Darkness energies you need to use this attack, you can use two extra energies to deal more damage. At most, you'll deal 270 damage with this attack.

Darkrai & Umbreon TAG TEAM-GX

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This card is great to deal sniper damage to Pokémon ex, Pokémon GX, or Pokémon TAG TEAM-GX, and complements Grimmsnarl VMax's damage. This 50 extra damage can be key with the 270 damage from Grimmsnarl's main attack.

Furthermore, Umbreon & Darkrai-GX UNM 125's GX attack is extremely powerful for two reasons. First, for just one colorless energy (C), it prevents your opponent from playing Trainers in the next turn. Secondly, with five extra Darkness energies, besides the effect above, your opponent's active Pokémon will be Knocked Out at the end of the next turn.

How To Play

Pecharunt ex + Binding Mochi Combo

Grimmsnarl VMAX SHF SV117's attack can only deal, at most, 270 damage, but, with this combo, you'll deal 40 extra damage, which can Knock Out heavier Pokémon.

First, Grimmsnarl VMax needs to be on your bench so you can use Pecharunt ex's ability to make it your new active Pokémon.

Then, when you do this, Grimmsnarl VMax will be Poisoned because of Pecharunt ex's drawback.

With Binding Mochi SFA 55, you'll deal 40 extra damage with Grimmsnarl VMax, so you'll be able to deal up to 310 damage!

Recursive Pokémon

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Pecharunt ex SFA 39's ability, Subjugating Chains, lets you swap a Darkness Pokémon in play with another, as long as you don't swap Pecharung itself. The drawback is that the new active Pokémon will be Poisoned, but you can use this in your favor with Binding Mochi SFA 55 and deal 40 extra damage.

Fezandipiti ex SFA 38's ability, Flip the Script, draws three extra cards for you whenever your opponent Knocks Out one of your Pokémon.

Crobat V PR-SW SWSH110's ability, Dark Asset, draws cards, and you can also use it as an alternative attacker.

Hydreigon PR-SW SWSH037 is essential in this deck because of its ability, Dark Squall, which is a "Rain Dance" for Darkness energies. It is the heart of this deck, as it lets you attach energies to your Pokémon. You can make this effect even stronger with Superior Energy Retrieval sv2 277, as this card lets you recycle any energies you discard.



Supporter to Get Items and Tools

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Supporters to Pull Enemy Pokémon

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Items to Get Pokémon

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Item to Get Trainers

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Item to Get Energies

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Item to Evolve Pokémon

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Item to Pull Enemy Pokémon

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Items to Recycle Resources

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Binding Mochi SFA 55 makes Poisoned Pokémon deal 40 extra damage if it is attached to them.

Forest Seal Stone SIT 156's VStar ability lets you get any card from your deck and add it to your hand.


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Reverse Valley BKP 110 makes your Darkness Pokémon deal 10 extra damage.

Black Market ◇ TEU 134 makes your opponent draw less Prize cards when they Knock Out your Darkness Pokémon.

Pros and Cons


This deck is great against Psychic Pokémon and can Knock Out Pokémon TAG TEAM-GX and Pokémon VStar relatively easily.


This deck struggles against Grass and Fighting Pokémon because of its natural weaknesses. It also struggles against decks that block specific attacks (like Amnesia), and ADP TAG TEAM-GX decks, like this onelink outside website.

Final Words

This deck is fun, but it is not one of the strongest decks in Expanded, considering Grimmsnarl VMax only barely deals more than 300 damage. Scarlet & Violet's power creep actually brought us Pokémon ex that are more resilient, so this deck will struggle against them - still, it might be worth checking out if you have the cards to build it!

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Thank you for reading, and see you next time!