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Death's Shadow has a big cavern Troll! The new version of this classic Dimir deck brings a new direc...
Legacy deck tech Death's Shadow lotr
Igor D. Faria
Unwrapping Mono-Red Aggro in Standard, one of the best decks in the format.
Standard Mono-Red deck tech
The Yokohama Open Tournament has just been cancelled by The Pokémon Company, only three weeks before...
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Commander Masters features four new Commander/EDH decks: Eldrazi Unbound (Colorless), Enduring Encha...
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Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with Traptrix, the best budget option for Yu-Gi-Oh! in 2023 and counter to the mai...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
Rodrigo William
Follow the Lapras VMax deck that takes advantage of Blastoise's "Deluge" ability to accumulate as mu...
Expanded Lapras Deck Guide
One more competitive event down, and more to come before the World Championship in Barcelona! Check ...
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This article provides an in-depth guide to building and sideboarding with Pauper Moggwarts and more!
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...
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Lucas Felix
In this article, we're going to explore how Theoden, King of Rohan can exploit Humans synergy and th...
Deck Tech Theoden Boros Aggro
The Lord of the Rings has arrived and left its mark on Legacy. How did the format's Metagame look af...
Legacy Metagame Review LotR
Meet the deck that came second in the last International of this first semester. Ian Robb showed the...
Duraludon Umbreon Columbus Deck Guide
Follow the metallic elephant of the Galar region, as a well-forgotten card, for a well-optimized ver...
Copperajah Expanded Deck Guide
Cards Realm
This article explores how Australian Crypto Casinos are taking advantage of the Crypto Gaming Revolu...
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This article discusses how online blackjack games accurately recreate the atmosphere of a casino flo...
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Different online games can be great due to various factors such as engaging gameplay, immersive grap...
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Gambling is a complex human behavior that involves taking risks with the hope of gaining a reward. T...
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Online gambling is evolving with new technologies and innovations taking center stage. Players can e...
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