

20 practical tips for writing a Ph.D. thesis

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Despite a number of difficulties, which are often encountered by applicants in the creation of a thesis, it is still quite realistic to write and defend the work

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  1. > 1. Finding a department and supervisor
  2. > 2. Choosing a dissertation council
  3. > 3. The passport of the scientific specialty
  4. > 4. Dissertation standards
  5. > 5. Conducting independent research
  6. > 6. Where to start writing your dissertation
  7. > 7. The object and subject of the study
  8. > 8. Relevance of the problem
  9. > 9. Topic of the thesis
  10. > 10. Hypothesis Formation

A dissertation is a research work aimed at solving a particular problem in a chosen field of knowledge. It is not a work in which separate fragments of already prepared publications are collected, but a completely new author's material, characterized by scientific novelty and practical value.

Writing and defending a dissertation is essential for those who wish to engage in scientific activity and contribute to the development of society. This article provides by paper writing services Bidforwritinglink outside website to tell you useful practical guidance to help you through the difficult journey with a minimum of time and effort.


1. Finding a department and supervisor

It is your choice of supervisor that largely determines whether you will be able to write your thesis and defend it. Choose a professor who will be interested in the success of your work, and who will help or at least guide you. The department should also be interested in your chosen research topic. You can trust your pre-doctoral mentor, or you can choose the professor you will be defending your thesis with. It is a big advantage if the supervisor can use his or her connections and authority to help promote the graduate student.

It is not advisable to take as a mentor a researcher who is always busy, regularly traveling, and has no free time. Despite their experience and expertise they simply will not be able to give you their undivided attention and this will impact on the quality of your work. In any case your relationship with your Ph.D. The supervisor should be at least neutral, but preferably respectful and trustworthy.

2. Choosing a dissertation council

You may choose the dissertation council where you will be defending your thesis both at the initial stage, when you are preparing to write your manuscript, and at the final stage when the text is already ready. But it is better to do it at once. The choice of the expert committee is made on the basis of the basic specialization and profile of the work under study. It is convenient to defend your dissertation in your "home" dissertation committee, but not everyone gets this opportunity.

To find out whether a particular dissertation council is available for defense, ask which specialties and fields are relevant for consideration by them. After all, each board only accepts dissertations in a limited list of disciplines for defense.

3. The passport of the scientific specialty

Once you have chosen a dissertation council, it is worthwhile to study the specialty passport. The thesis will be accepted for defense on the basis of the information contained in it.

4. Dissertation standards

A thesis is written according to clearly defined rules and standards, its structure and requirements for writing are regulated by VAK and GOST. In this regard, there is no reason to be afraid that the task is beyond you. There is a certain standard that should be adhered to throughout the writing process, some special talent or superpowers from you no one requires.

It is enough to show persistence, diligence, and wit, and to allocate a certain amount of time for research.

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5. Conducting independent research

Prepare in advance for the work to be done. The more time you take to prepare, the less it will be needed when writing your dissertation. Conduct a number of independent studies that may later become sections of the manuscript. This requires a clear understanding of what your research paper is about and what its structure will look like.

6. Where to start writing your dissertation

If you don't know how to start writing your thesis, use synthetic and analytical methods. In the first case, it is a statement of thoughts in separate fragments, which the graduate student lays out in front of him, finds similar ideas, and places them next to each other. All that remains is to add the parts of the text that will link the fragments.


The second method is based on making diagrams. The research topic is placed in the center, and arrows with the key points of the research are drawn from it. The keyword phrases will help to form the main idea, while the numbering of the elements will help to make a rough plan of work.

7. The object and subject of the study

In the thesis, the object and the subject of the research are presented as a whole and a part. If the object is a part of the investigated field of science, which contains processes and phenomena, which have not been studied completely, then the subject is a certain part of the object, which is being researched by the applicant. There are papers where the object and the subject are not specified at all. In such a case these points should be covered in the statements made for the defense.

8. Relevance of the problem

Once you have chosen the object and subject of your research, it is important to determine the relevance of the topic. Relevance confirms the current importance of the trials, their usefulness for modern society, and the need to solve the problem. An irrelevant problem will not arouse the interest of the expert committee and scientific community, no one will read such a thesis.

9. Topic of the thesis

The topic of the thesis is determined by the chosen subject of research and is formulated with the object in mind. Often the supervisor will help the doctoral student with the choice of the topic. The success of the whole thesis depends to a large extent on the correct choice of topic. In addition to relevance, the research topic must have scientific novelty and practical relevance. That is, the idea of the manuscript should be original and applicable to science, society, and real life.

Do not set super-objectives, aim at solving global problems. It is better to limit yourself to solving one specific problem, but with deep penetration into its essence. And most importantly - the direction of research should coincide with the interests of the applicant and his desires.

10. Hypothesis Formation

During the work, the author puts forward a working hypothesis, which helps to make a forecast of the expected result of the research. Subsequently, the hypothesis goes into the defended statements and is confirmed or disproved by the scientist.