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Thiago NileDeath
In this article, I delve deeper into the Izzet Dragons deck piloted by Yuta Takahashi to win the Wor...
standard izzet dragons
Gabriel Nunes
Today, we'll present a detailed vision of one of the most important decks in Modern today: Izzet Tem...
izzet modern metagame
Felipe Torres
This article brings a budget decklist for Izzet's iconic Guildmaster, Niv-Mizzet, Parun, which is ex...
commander budget
Pedro Braga
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and Modern Horizons II made Izzet Phoenix come back from the ashe...
modern decktech phoenix izzet
Today, we dissect Legacy's Izzet Delver, which won the Legacy Showcase with plenty of new additions ...
analysis delver legacy mh2
The deck represents over 35% of the Metagame of the Historic portion of the championship that takes ...
historic championship strixhaven arena
Lucas Kampo
On today's article, I present you a complete guide to Pauper's newest deck: Izzet Serpentine!
Pauper serpentine sideboard guide
Today we have a deck that manages to control the game while attacking the opponent with increasing s...
Thiago Fogaça
Today I chose Ravnica's dragon: the Izzet leader comes in his Niv-Mizzet version, Parun
deck tech cedh