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Deck Tech: Ezreal Annie - A deck for those who are good at math

Deck Tech: Ezreal Annie - A deck for those who are good at math

Capitão Serket

This is the list in which Ezreal finally shines. The best removals are here. Do you like to play rea...

Competitive Reactive Annie Ezreal Removal

PreModern: Everything about a Nostalgic Format

PreModern: Everything about a Nostalgic Format

João "Paredeebranca"

Meet Premodern, a nostalgic format where you meet old strategies and discover fun and new decks!

premodern format introduction

Zombicide Review: Try to survive chaos!

Zombicide Review: Try to survive chaos!

Cesar Cusin

There are relatively simple missions, like getting food, or just staying alive. However, there is a ...

zombicide review

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Capitão Serket

The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...

competitive Combo Ionia Piltover

Deck Tech: Rumble Sion Midrange - Survive removals!

Deck Tech: Rumble Sion Midrange - Survive removals!

Capitão Serket

Sion/Rumble is a Midrange list which can deal easily with control lists. So, if removal is popular, ...

competitive Mechas Midrange

Deck Tech: Tempo Pirates - Crush the Meta

Deck Tech: Tempo Pirates - Crush the Meta

Capitão Serket

GP/TF tempo deck is a list that shows up since the beginning of the game, great players dominate thi...

tempo removals pirates

Deck Tech: Akshan Sivir - Foundations of Runeterra

Deck Tech: Akshan Sivir - Foundations of Runeterra

Capitão Serket

Let's get into one of the most consistent lists in Legends of Runeterra, powerful competitively and ...

Midrange Consistent Competitive

Jhin and Illaoi: First Impressions of Worldwalker

Jhin and Illaoi: First Impressions of Worldwalker

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the beginning of the Worldwalker reveals, we have the first two champions: Jhin and Illaoi. In ...

worldwalker expansion lor

Deck Tech: No Champion Burn - Budget and Competitive

Deck Tech: No Champion Burn - Budget and Competitive

Capitão Serket

The No Champion Burn Deck is the cheapest competitive deck in the game. Fast and aggressive, it's al...

LoR Burn Budget Competitive

Madness in Legacy: Cheap and Powerful

Madness in Legacy: Cheap and Powerful

João Carvalho

Let's talk a bit about Madness, the new Aggro deck that has been establishing itself in Legacy after...

metagame legacy madness

Escape from the planet of Ragavans: Winning the albino monkey in Legacy!

Escape from the planet of Ragavans: Winning the albino monkey in Legacy!

João Carvalho

In this week's article, we'll talk about Ragavan, the new Legacy staple that has been taking over t...

legacy mh2 metagame

Legacy Set Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Legacy Set Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

João Carvalho

In today's article, we are going to discuss some cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms that ...

review AFR legacy MTG joaocarvalho

Colt SUPER Express review: Chaotic, quick and fun!

Colt SUPER Express review: Chaotic, quick and fun!

Antônio Laerte

A dynamic party game, full of interactions and about a train assault? That's Colt!

party fun board games

Wizards announces "A Curriculum of Chaos", a crossover of Strixhaven and D&D

Wizards announces "A Curriculum of Chaos", a crossover of Strixhaven and D&D


Just like Ravnica and Theros, Strixhaven will also have its Dungeons & Dragons product!

news d&d strixhaven

Tiamat card art, from Forgotten Realms, worth more than $43,000 at auction

Tiamat card art, from Forgotten Realms, worth more than $43,000 at auction


The auction, which started today, has several bids and its currently value is $43,000!

notícia d&d leilão tiamat

cEDH's B-Side - Okaun, Eye of Chaos & Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom

cEDH's B-Side - Okaun, Eye of Chaos & Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom


This article presents the third deck from this competitive Commander series: Okaun and Zndrsplt!

cedh edh commander combo

Potential Commanders from Core Set 2021

Potential Commanders from Core Set 2021


A little insight about which cards from Core Set 21 can be potential commanders.

Commander Opinion edh

MagicFest São Paulo and other events are canceled because of Coronavirus

MagicFest São Paulo and other events are canceled because of Coronavirus


MagicFest São Paulo, Detroit, Louisville and Palm Beach are canceled by ChannelFireball due to Coron...


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