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Summarized Lore: What Happened in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

Summarized Lore: What Happened in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt


A brief version of everything that happened in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.

lore innistrad midnight hunt

Top 10 best 2021 Cards for Commander

Top 10 best 2021 Cards for Commander

Felipe Torres

Our selection of the most fun and interesting cards release in 2021 for Commander.

edh commander top 10

The Top Ten 2021 Cards for cEDH

The Top Ten 2021 Cards for cEDH

Felipe Torres

Today I analize the best cards released this year for cEDH and their impact on the Metagame.

top 10 cEDh EDH Commander

Commander Deck Tech: Satoru Umezawa, Infinite Ninjutsu

Commander Deck Tech: Satoru Umezawa, Infinite Ninjutsu

Vinicius Sorin

Today I bring a ninjutsu combo deck with Kamigawa Neon Dinasty's new legendary creature: Satoru Umez...

commander edh deck tech neon

Commander Deck Tech: Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

Commander Deck Tech: Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

Eduardo Silveira

Today, I present you a budget Shirei Control deck, which extracts value from enters the battlefield/...

edh kamigawa aristocrats control

Ahri: 5 decks to use and climb with in Legends of Runeterra's Ranked Queue!

Ahri: 5 decks to use and climb with in Legends of Runeterra's Ranked Queue!

Tony Lucas

In this article you will find 5 consistent decks with Magic Misadventures' expansion most versatile ...

Ahri Decklist LoR

Modern: Card Highlight - Chandra, Dressed to Kill

Modern: Card Highlight - Chandra, Dressed to Kill

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, we analyze Chandra, Dressed to Kill's impact and presence on Modern's competitiv...

modern competitive chandra

Commander Deck Tech: Elsha of the Infinite

Commander Deck Tech: Elsha of the Infinite

Felipe Torres

This article brings an Elsha of the Infinite deck, one of the most fun and popular commanders, with ...

edh commander elsha budget

Commander Deck Tech: Nicol Bolas, Suspend Control

Commander Deck Tech: Nicol Bolas, Suspend Control

Eduardo Silveira

This Nicol Bolas deck is a Control list based around taking advantage of Suspend spells and abilitie...

nicol bolas grixis suspend control

Pauper EDH: Best Crimson Vow Commanders + Deck Tech

Pauper EDH: Best Crimson Vow Commanders + Deck Tech


Check out our analysis of the best Commanders for Pauper EDH in Innistrad Crimson Vow, followed by a...

pauperedh commander casual

Commander Deck Tech: Halana and Alena

Commander Deck Tech: Halana and Alena

Eduardo Silveira

This Halana and Alena deck has an aggressive midrange strategy, growing its threats and the board qu...

innistrad halana alena commander

cEDH Deck Guide: Toxrill, the Corrosive

cEDH Deck Guide: Toxrill, the Corrosive

Felipe Torres

This article brings a Toxrill, the Corrosive control deck for cEDH, one of the most interesting crea...

cEDH vow commander

Arena will have new format called Alchemy

Arena will have new format called Alchemy


The new format will rotate like the Standard, but will have exclusive cards with mechanics only poss...

standard arena alchemy

Unfinity's first spoilers are revealed

Unfinity's first spoilers are revealed


Full art lands, borderless shockland reprints, dice rolling, eternal formats-legal cards and a new h...

unfinity.shockland news mtg

Commander Deck Tech: Donal, Herald of Wings

Commander Deck Tech: Donal, Herald of Wings

Eduardo Silveira

This deck's proposal is a Bounce House that controls the board while developing its position, utiliz...

commander deck tech crimson vow

Commander Deck Tech: Malcolm & Tana

Commander Deck Tech: Malcolm & Tana

Felipe Torres

This budget Malcolm / Tana deck is focused on winning the game as quickly as possible with two-card ...

edh commander decktech

Commander Deck Tech: Runo Stromkirk

Commander Deck Tech: Runo Stromkirk

Eduardo Silveira

This Runo Stromkirk deck runs a self-mill strategy to take full advantage of Krothuss, Lord of the D...

innistrad dimir commander mill

Upgrading Precon Commander Deck: Spirit Squadron (Millicent, Restless Revenant)

Upgrading Precon Commander Deck: Spirit Squadron (Millicent, Restless Revenant)

Vinicius Sorin

Tips and upgrades for the Spirit Squadron preconstructed deck, which creates plenty of tokens and tr...

commander edh upgrade

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