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#MTGBOOTY - After all, what happened?

#MTGBOOTY - After all, what happened?


The #mtgbooty hashtag blew up on Twitter, with the MTG community posting photos in support of the am...

news community opinion mtgbooty

An Introduction to Arena Cube: Foundings and Strategies

An Introduction to Arena Cube: Foundings and Strategies


Today I'll explain the basics of the Cube Draft and some specific details to play it well on MTG: Ar...

Mtg Limited Cube Draft Arena

Learning how to evaluate cards for Draft formats!

Learning how to evaluate cards for Draft formats!


On today's article, I'll show you some tools you might use to understand how the Draft works on a ne...

Limited mtg strixhaven arena

MTGA Free to Play Guide Part 1: General Tips

MTGA Free to Play Guide Part 1: General Tips


Welcome to the first article in my free-to-play series. In today's article, I will be tackling the b...

MTGA Free to Play Guide Beginner Arena

Is turn 1 Emrakul possible? Yes! Let's learn about Legacy Show and Tell

Is turn 1 Emrakul possible? Yes! Let's learn about Legacy Show and Tell


"They are all my pieces, Jace Beleren. They always were. I just no longer want to play."*

Legacy Show and Tell Decktech MTG Emrakul

Cascade, the New Pillar of the Pauper Format

Cascade, the New Pillar of the Pauper Format

Ricardo Mattana

Understand how the Cascade mechanic is messing with the "rock-paper-scissors" of the Pauper metagame...

Pauper Cascade MTG Snow

BG Infect Deck Tech: making Infect more lethal

BG Infect Deck Tech: making Infect more lethal

Pedro Braga

On this article, I make a Deck Tech of BG Infect and show its differences when compared to its most ...

Modern Decktech Infect Mtg

A Guide to Kaldheim's Sealed Format

A Guide to Kaldheim's Sealed Format


A quick guide to the basics of Kaldheim's Sealed format before the Arena Open and Qualifier Weekend.

Kaldheim Sealed Limited Mtg Arena

IT'S FREE! A guide to the free tournaments on Magic Online and MTGArena !

IT'S FREE! A guide to the free tournaments on Magic Online and MTGArena !


I present you a point of reference and guide with the main free tournaments of *all formats* that ta...

Tournament Free MTGO Arena

Kaldheim's first highlights in Pauper

Kaldheim's first highlights in Pauper

Ricardo Mattana

Check out the most relevant cards in Kaldheim, the ones making presence in Pauper's competitive scen...

Pauper Kaldheim MTG

MTG Tribal Apocalypse format completes 10 years of tournaments

MTG Tribal Apocalypse format completes 10 years of tournaments


What do you think about playing a format focused on tribal decks with free events and secondary goal...

Tribal budget mtgo

Announcing the Pauper Masters Online tournament

Announcing the Pauper Masters Online tournament


Pauper Masters has a long story on its three years of existence, and the time has come to take the e...

pauper online tournament mtgo

10 deck options that cost up to 30 TIX to build your Pioneer deck on MTGO

10 deck options that cost up to 30 TIX to build your Pioneer deck on MTGO


We have listed 10 decks that cost approximately 30 TIX that are competitive and fun, so you will be ...

pioneer mtgo

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!

5 Modern Ultrabudget and Budget decklists!


In this article I will show you five affordable Modern decklists for Magic Online, in order to celeb...

Modern Budget MTGO Tech

Budgeting Arena - Temur Elementals, an agressive deck with lots of value!

Budgeting Arena - Temur Elementals, an agressive deck with lots of value!


A tribal deck which is extremely aggressive and which can also ramp mana very quickly


Budgeting Arena - Mono Red Aggro: the return of one of the most explosive deck

Budgeting Arena - Mono Red Aggro: the return of one of the most explosive deck


With the release of Core Set 2021, we updated one of the most present decks in all formats: Mono Red...


Budgeting Arena - Temur Reclamation: one of the most fun and versatile combo

Budgeting Arena - Temur Reclamation: one of the most fun and versatile combo


A combo ramp deck that can cause a great amount of damage or even generate an army of creatures to a...


Budgeting Arena - Sultai Mutate: creature toolbox

Budgeting Arena - Sultai Mutate: creature toolbox


Let's explore this mechanic presented to us in Ikoria, and create value in a deck full of creatures.


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